Comments on: 50 Ways to Love Your Husband Too Married for Cosmo Fri, 25 Mar 2016 17:20:23 +0000 hourly 1 By: Kat Fri, 30 Oct 2015 12:14:21 +0000 I’m not married yet (I’m 37 and still more or less single), but I just wanted to comment on one of your recommended books: “The Five Love Languages.” Your readership is likely vast, but they might want to know ahead of time, if they don’t have the book already, that the author of that book uses Christian-oriented language in abundance. This may pose/provoke something of a philosophical problem and/or reaction in some folks’ minds if they get the book and they aren’t necessarily practicing Christians, if anything else.

I am here to go on record, however, and say that though I am personally of the Pagan persuasion, I still read the book because the concept Gary Chapman puts forward is absolutely worth exploring and implementing no matter what faith paths (or lack thereof, in the case of an atheist couple) a couple might have. In short–anyone who is spiritual but focuses on a non-Christian path can simply substitute their deity of choice (God, Goddess, Buddha, Krishna, etc)–or mentally omit any talk of God whatsoever–and the lessons in the book would still apply.

Why? Because regardless of religion, communication about how you best give and receive loving gestures is a MUST. How would I know this if I’m single? Watching my parents and how they interact–and my own few personal experiences. Let’s just say I know more about how I want a relationship to work than I used to. 😛
