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5 Ways to Show Your Husband You Appreciate Him

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Showing your husband how much you appreciate him is a key to a healthy, thriving marriage. It’s interesting how seeking out ways to show your appreciation will lend to appreciating him even more! While there are countless things you could do to show him appreciation, these five basically encompass them all.

Take this list and run with it, personalizing it to what best speaks to your husband.

5 Ways to Show Your Husband You Appreciate Him

Tell him you respect him

What our men want from us even more than love is respect. When I show my husband respect, I’m showing him that I love him and that I appreciate him all in one fell swoop.

Respecting your husband is trusting him, encouraging him, and building him up. But one of the easiest ways to show your husband respect? Tell him! Trust me. It goes a long way!

Do the little things

Everyone is different so not all of the same things will speak to each of our husbands. Noticing what does speak to him is a big deal! For instance, my husband loves to receive gifts.

Getting him a random gift on a Thursday means the world to him. I don’t really care about getting miscellaneous gifts, but by noticing it means a lot to him and taking the time to do it, he has no doubt how much I appreciate him.

Be the initiator

Typically the man does the initiating in the bedroom department. Now, this isn’t always true, but if it is, try being the initiator once in a while. It shows him that you want him (and you’re not just checking him off the to-do list!), and a husband sure feels appreciated when he knows his wife desires him! You can also initiate affection, like holding hands, giving random kisses, and offering to give him a back rub.

Take this even further by noticing a need, and meeting it before he can even ask for it.

Be supportive

Nagging and griping and whining doesn’t really get us anywhere anyway. Choosing to support your husband by being patient with him when he works late again or he needs some downtime or whatever the situation, will help him to feel appreciated. And he’ll be much more inclined to listen to you and meet your needs when he knows you appreciate him.

Let him do his thing

Sometimes our guys just need to be guys. They need to go fishing or hunting or watch the big game with the other guys. They need a little break from all the responsibility and an opportunity to do whatever it is they love to do. (Don’t we all need this?)

He’ll feel like the most blessed man on the planet if you not only let him go do his thing, but you encourage him to do so!

Don’t be afraid to simply ask your husband what you can do to best show him your appreciation. Many of his answers will likely fall right into these five I’ve listed, but he may surprise you! So as a bonus tip: Ask him! And then do it. He just might return that appreciation in some very enjoyable ways!

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