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5 Ways to Make Money From Home

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Earning an income from the comfort of your home probably sounds like a dream. I’m here to tell you that you can earn money from home.

I’ve been working from home for almost twelve years! I started off doing customer service and freelance writing. Now, I work at home as a campaign manager for an influencer network.

There are several companies that hire people from home for both full-time and part-time work.

With that said, you do have to be careful when looking for online jobs as there are scams out there.

Are you looking to work from home? Making money from home is a legitimate way to earn some extra income. This list includes non phone job ideas, online job ideas and much more.


How to Make Money From Home

Working from home is never an easy task when first starting out. But with a little practice and patience, you can really build your own business empire. The type of work at home we’re talking about here is neither the multi-level-marketing nor the sales business. There are several avenues you can take to become a work at home king or queen.

1. Customer Service Jobs – There are so many customer service jobs that you can do from home. One of my favorite companies is Working Solutions. They have contracts with several major companies. I worked for Working Solutions for two years and it was a great company to work for.

2. Write Articles – If you have a knack for writing you might want to try writing articles as a way. You can trying signing up for

3. Start a Blog – Seriously, it’s a great option if you want to make some extra money without working for someone else. You can check out my blogging resources here.

make money from home

4. Virtual Assisting – Working as a Virtual Assistant is an awesome job! You get to work with some great people and you always have new tasks to work on. You can get started by applying at FancyHands.

5. Etsy – Are you crafty? If so you should consider opening up your own store on Etsy.

Even more resources for you!

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