120+ Animals that Start with I: List and Fun Facts

Incredible, interesting, and intriguing – these are just a few words to describe the many surprising animals that start with the letter “I”.

This blog post will take readers on an exciting ride through different animals whose names begin with “I”.

Along the way, surprising and entertaining facts about each animal will be shared.

Some are well-known, while others are more obscure, but all have unique qualities that make them stand out.

So get ready to expand your wildlife knowledge and appreciation as we explore this extensive list of animals that start with “I,” with fun facts about each one.


1. Ibex


A wild goat is known for its impressive curved horns and incredible agility in steep, mountainous terrain. It is highly adapted to surviving in harsh, rocky environments.

  • Origin: Native to Europe, Asia, and North Africa.
  • Habitat: Rocky cliffs and alpine meadows.
  • Scientific NameCapra ibex.
  • Fun Fact: Ibex can climb near-vertical cliffs to escape predators.

2. Icelandic Horse


A small, sturdy horse breed famous for its versatility and unique gaits. They are well-adapted to Iceland’s extreme weather conditions and rugged landscapes.

  • Origin: Originated in Iceland, brought by Norse settlers over 1,000 years ago.
  • Habitat: Thrives in Iceland’s rugged, cold terrain, including mountains, valleys, and volcanic plains.
  • Scientific NameEquus ferus caballus.
  • Fun Facts: Icelandic Horses are one of the purest breeds, as Iceland prohibits importing horses, and they can display over 40 coat colors and patterns!

3. Ibizan Hound 


A sleek, athletic dog breed renowned for its hunting abilities, especially in chasing small game. It has tall, upright ears and a keen sense of sight.

  • Origin: Originated in Ibiza, Spain.
  • Habitat: Domesticated; thrives in active households.
  • Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris.
  • Fun Fact: They are excellent jumpers and can clear tall fences with ease.

4. Icelandic Sheepdog


A friendly and energetic herding dog with a thick coat, originally brought to Iceland by the Vikings. Known for its agility and intelligence, it’s an excellent companion.

  • Origin: Brought to Iceland by Vikings over 1,000 years ago.
  • Habitat: Domesticated; common in rural Iceland.
  • Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris.
  • Fun Fact: It is one of the oldest dog breeds in the world.

5. Impala


A medium-sized antelope recognized for its sleek body and agility. It is known for its remarkable ability to leap great distances to escape predators.

  • Origin: Native to Africa.
  • Habitat: Savannas and woodlands.
  • Scientific NameAepyceros melampus.
  • Fun Fact: Impalas can leap up to 10 feet high and 33 feet in distance to escape predators.

6. Indian Elephant


A subspecies of the Asian elephant with smaller ears and a humped back, known for its intelligence and strong social bonds within herds. It is culturally significant in India and other parts of Asia.

  • Origin: Native to India and Southeast Asia.
  • Habitat: Forests, grasslands, and scrublands.
  • Scientific NameElephas maximus indicus.
  • Fun Fact: They are highly intelligent and can recognize themselves in mirrors.

7. Indian Rhinoceros


This large, one-horned rhino is known for its thick, armor-like skin folds. It is primarily found in the grasslands and swamps of the Indian subcontinent.

  • Origin: Native to the Indian subcontinent.
  • Habitat: Grasslands and swamps.
  • Scientific NameRhinoceros unicornis.
  • Fun Fact: They are excellent swimmers and can run up to 34 mph.

8. Indian Palm Squirrel


A small, striped squirrel that is commonly found in urban and rural areas across India. It is often seen foraging for food in gardens and forests.

  • Origin: Native to India and Sri Lanka.
  • Habitat: Forests, gardens, and urban areas.
  • Scientific NameFunambulus palmarum.
  • Fun Fact: They are known for their loud, bird-like calls.

9. Indian Giant Squirrel


A vibrant and large squirrel species known for its striking fur coat and impressive tail. It is arboreal and spends most of its time in the forest canopy.

  • Origin: Native to India.
  • Habitat: Tropical and subtropical forests.
  • Scientific NameRatufa indica.
  • Fun Fact: They can leap up to 20 feet between trees.

10. Indian Flying Fox 


A large species of fruit bat with a wingspan of up to 5 feet is essential for pollinating flowers and dispersing seeds. It is typically seen in large colonies roosting in trees.

  • Origin: Native to South Asia.
  • Habitat: Forests, mangroves, and urban areas.
  • Scientific NamePteropus giganteus.
  • Fun Fact: They play a crucial role in pollinating flowers and dispersing seeds.

11. Indian Wolf


A leaner subspecies of the grey wolf, adapted to arid and semi-desert environments. Known for its social pack structure, it primarily preys on small to medium-sized animals.

  • Origin: Native to India and the Middle East.
  • Habitat: Scrublands, grasslands, and semi-deserts.
  • Scientific NameCanis lupus pallipes.
  • Fun Fact: They are highly social and hunt in packs.

12. Indri 


The largest living lemur, recognized for its distinctive black-and-white fur and eerie, haunting calls. Its ability to leap vertically up to 30 feet is one of its remarkable traits.

  • Origin: Native to Madagascar.
  • Habitat: Rainforests.
  • Scientific NameIndri indri.
  • Fun Fact: They are known for their vertical leaping ability, covering up to 33 feet in a single jump.

13. Irish Setter 


Known for its silky red coat, this energetic dog is widely used as a bird hunter. Its friendly and playful nature makes it a popular family pet.

  • Origin: Developed in Ireland.
  • Habitat: Domesticated; popular as a family pet.
  • Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris.
  • Fun Fact: They are excellent bird hunters and have a strong sense of smell.

14. Irish Wolfhound


One of the tallest dog breeds, historically bred for hunting large game like wolves and elk. Despite its size, it has a gentle temperament and is good with families.

  • Origin: Originated in Ireland.
  • Habitat: Domesticated; requires large spaces due to its size.
  • Scientific NameCanis lupus familiaris.
  • Fun Fact: They were historically used to hunt wolves and elk.

15. Italian Greyhound


A slender, elegant dog breed with a sleek coat, known for its speed and agility. It is a gentle and affectionate companion, often enjoying cuddling and close contact with its owner.

  • Origin: Originated in Italy.
  • Habitat: Domesticated; thrives in warm climates.
  • Scientific NameCanis lupus familiarise.
  • Fun Fact: They are one of the oldest dog breeds, dating back over 2,000 years.


16. Iguana


A large herbivorous lizard, recognized for its spiny crest and long tail. It is a popular pet and requires a tropical or subtropical environment to thrive.

  • Origin: Central and South America, Caribbean.
  • Habitat: Rainforests, deserts, and coastal areas.
  • Scientific NameIguana iguana.
  • Fun Fact: Iguanas can detach their tails to escape predators, and they are excellent swimmers.

17. Indian Cobra


A venomous snake, easily identified by its characteristic hood. It is often featured in religious symbolism and can be highly dangerous if provoked.

  • Origin: Indian subcontinent.
  • Habitat: Forests, farmlands, and urban areas.
  • Scientific NameNaja naja.
  • Fun Fact: The Indian cobra’s venom is neurotoxic and can cause paralysis or death if untreated.

18. Indian Python


A large, non-venomous constrictor known for its powerful ability to coil and squeeze its prey. It can grow up to 20 feet long, making it one of the longest snake species.

  • Origin: Indian subcontinent and Southeast Asia.
  • Habitat: Grasslands, swamps, and rocky foothills.
  • Scientific NamePython molurus.
  • Fun Fact: Indian pythons can grow up to 20 feet long and swallow prey whole.

19. Indian Star Tortoise


A strikingly beautiful tortoise with a shell marked by star-like patterns. This species is commonly found in dry grasslands and is known for its slow, steady movements.

  • Origin: India, Sri Lanka, and Pakistan.
  • Habitat: Dry grasslands and scrub forests.
  • Scientific NameGeochelone elegans.
  • Fun Fact: Their star-patterned shells provide camouflage in the wild.

20. Indonesian Tree Frog


A small, colourful amphibian known for its arboreal lifestyle and sticky toe pads that help it climb. It is often found in tropical rainforests.

  • Origin: Indonesia and Southeast Asia.
  • Habitat: Tropical rainforests and wetlands.
  • Scientific NameRhacophorus spp.
  • Fun Fact: Some species can glide between trees using their webbed feet.

21. Inland Taipan


This highly venomous snake is considered the world’s most toxic. Despite its dangerous reputation, it is elusive and rarely encountered by humans.

  • Origin: Australia.
  • Habitat: Arid deserts and dry plains.
  • Scientific NameOxyuranus microlepidotus.
  • Fun Fact: Its venom is potent enough to kill 100 humans with one bite, but it is shy and rarely seen. 

22. Italian Wall Lizard


A small and agile lizard, typically seen basking on walls and rocks. It is known for its adaptability to various environments, including urban areas.

  • Origin: Italy and the Mediterranean region.
  • Habitat: Rocky areas, gardens, and urban environments.
  • Scientific NamePodarcis sicula.
  • Fun Fact: It can regenerate its tail if lost to a predator.

23. Ivory Coast Mud Turtle


A small turtle species with a dark shell, often found in the slow-moving rivers and swamps of West Africa. It can bury itself in the mud to survive dry seasons.

  • Origin: West Africa (Ivory Coast).
  • Habitat: Swamps, marshes, and slow-moving rivers.
  • Scientific NamePelusios castaneus.
  • Fun Fact: It buries itself in mud during dry seasons to survive.

24. Indian Chameleon


A reptile is known for its ability to change color, offering it camouflage in various environments. It also has independently moving eyes and a prehensile tail for gripping.

  • Origin: Indian subcontinent.
  • Habitat: Forests, plantations, and gardens.
  • Scientific NameChamaeleo zeylanicus.
  • Fun Fact: It can rotate its eyes 180 degrees to look in two directions at once.

25. Indian Sand Boa


A stout snake that burrows into sandy environments, is often mistaken for a two-headed snake due to its blunt tail. It ambushes its prey by using its tail to mimic its head.

  • Origin: Indian subcontinent.
  • Habitat: Sandy deserts and scrublands.
  • Scientific NameEryx johnii.
  • Fun Fact: It burrows in the sand and ambushes prey, using its tail to mimic its head.

Some More Species That Start With I


26. Icefish

27. Ide (fish species)

28. Indian Glassfish

29. Indian Mackerel

30. Indian Ocean Sailfish

31. Indonesian Cardinalfish

32. Iridescent Shark

33. Island Catfish

34. Italian Carp

35. Ivory Damselfish


36. Ichneumon Wasp

37. Indian Meal Moth

38. Indian Stick Insect

39. Io Moth

40. Ironclad Beetle

41. Island Marble Butterfly

42. Imperial Moth

43. Indian Red Scorpion

44. Ivory-marked Beetle

45. Ichneumon Fly

Marine Animals

46. Immortal Jellyfish

47. Indian Ocean Humpback Dolphin

48. Isopod

49. Irukandji Jellyfish

50. Ivory Coral

51. Indian Ocean Squid

52. Island Canaryfish

53. Ivory Snail

54. Indian Ocean Clownfish

55. Ice Cod


56. Italian Crested Newt

57. Indian Bullfrog

58. Indonesian Tree Frog

59. Ivory Coast Toad

60. Iberian Midwife Toad

61. Italian Stream Frog

62. Indian Purple Frog

63. Izu Tadpole Frog

64. Ivory Coast Reed Frog

65. Italian Spadefoot Toad


66. Irukandji Jellyfish

67. Isopod

68. Ivory Snail

69. Indian Ocean Octopus

70. Ivory Coral

71. Italian Earthworm

72. Indian Ocean Sea Cucumber

73. Ivory Coast Millipede

74. Island Hermit Crab

75. Indian Ocean Starfish

Extinct Animals

76. Ichthyosaur

77. Iguanodon

78. Indricotherium

79. Irish Elk

80. Imperial Mammoth

81. Ischyromys 

82. Ichthyornis 

83. Icaronycteris 

84. Inostrancevia 

85. Irritator

Mythical and Fictional Animals

86. Ice Dragon

87. Ice Phoenix

88. Imp 

89. Ironclad Beast

90. Island Serpent

91. Ivory Unicorn

92. Inferno Hound

93. Iridescent Leviathan

94. Imperial Griffin

95. Inkling 

Lesser-Known Animals

96. Ili Pika

97. Indian Pangolin

98. Indian Wild Ass

99. Indochinese Tiger

100. Indri Lemur

101. Iriomote Cat

102. Island Fox

103. Island Night Lizard

104. Italian Sparrow

105. Ivory-billed Aracari

Domesticated Animals

106. Indian Runner Duck

107. Irish Terrier

108. Italian Mastiff

109. Ibizan Hound

110. Irish Water Spaniel

111. Italian Greyhound

112. Indian Pariah Dog

113. Iberian Pig

114. Icelandic Sheep

Rare and Exotic Animals

115. Indian Ocean Gecko

116. Ivory Gull

117. Island Whistler

118. Ivory Coast Chimpanzee

119. Indian Ocean Bottlenose Dolphin

120. Iberian Frog

121. Ivory Coast Hornbill

122. Island Flying Fox

123. Indian Ocean Parrotfish

Hybrid Animals

124. Iron Wolf 

125. Ice Tiger 

126. Imperial Eagle-Owl

127. Island Fox-Dog

128. Ivory Unicorn-Pegasus

Bonus Animals

129. Indian Ocean Manta Ray

130. Ivory Coast Antelope

131. Island Boa

132. Italian Wall Gecko

133. Indian Ocean Seahorse


This blog post has introduced you to a captivating assortment of animals that start with the letter “I”.

Exploring this diverse list is not only super entertaining but also a great way to expand your knowledge of the incredible animals that share our planet.

Be sure to check out the complete list and impress your friends and family with your extraordinary animal trivia!

Nature is full of surprises, and you never know what other surprising “I” animals are out there waiting to be found.

So go ahead – Learn, explore, and enjoy!

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