Comments on: 4 Signs You Are Taking Your Marriage for Granted Too Married for Cosmo...Too Fabulous for Redbook Tue, 16 Jan 2018 04:52:12 +0000 hourly 1 By: Jessica Tue, 16 Jan 2018 04:52:12 +0000 This is very good advice. However in my situation it’s a little different. I’ve been with my husband for 14 years for 10 of the 14 years it’s be a complete nightmare. I know this may seem hard to believe but it’s the truth, in those 10 we haven’t sleeped in the same room let alone the same bed. We have a 10 year old son who my husband has chosen to sleep with and share a bedroom with. He works long days he leaves for work at 5:30am and doesn’t get home till 8pm. While he’s at work I don’t hear from him at all for any reason with the explanation of him needed me to have our son ready for karate or Boy Scout. I don’t know he’s on his way home till he is walking in the door at night. Then he rushes off to our son and spends time with him till bed time. I’m lucky if he even says hello to me when he walks in. On the weekends he spends all day long out with our son going to the movies the park shopping out to eat whatever they have to do. So yes I have talked down to him in public but no one knows how it’s like behind my closed doors. I do love him and want our marriage to work but for years I’ve been sitting in the back round being neglected and taken for granted and I’m at the point now that it’s time to let go of this toxic marriage/relationship.

By: Anonymous Sun, 15 Jan 2017 11:44:13 +0000 In reply to Emma Lee.

How is having an affair a solution?
First pls check if you want to fix your marriage and if you still truly do then have a sincere conversation with him..and 10 more if needed.

Be the change you want to see in him. I’m sure he feels lonely too.

Overcome this obstacle and I’m sure ull have a stronger and better marriage. All the best! In the end you need to be happy where you are!

By: Emma Lee Mon, 28 Nov 2016 07:01:25 +0000 I’m sitting here in bed next to my husband of 11 years. Another sad and lonely night for me. He’s either got the world’s lowest libido (which can’t be true because he told me he regularly “takes care of things himself”), or i am the world’s most unnatractive female, which I know is not true. I’m tired of his lack of interest in sex, his denials that he does not want me. Actions speak louder than words, and his actions tell me that I am not his type. I am seriously considering having an affair.
