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6 Things Work at Home Moms Want You to Know

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I have been working from home for the past ten years and it hasn’t always been the easiest road. Thankfully, the majority of people in my life fully support me, but I know not all work at home moms get that same support!

Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of dumb uninformed statements and so many misconceptions of work at home moms.

A must read for anyone who things WAHM's don't really work. Number 2 is spot on!

6 Things Work at Home Moms Want You to Know

1. Yes, we really do work! Just because we are not in a traditional office doesn’t make our job any less important.

2. No, we can’t babysit for you, walk your dog while you’re on vacation, wait around for UPS or run any of the other ten errands you had in mind for us. We have to work!

3. Yes, we tend to have a little more flexibility than if we worked in a traditional office. This is what makes working from home so wonderful. We can be there for school pick-up, we can take a quick break to fold the laundry but again we still have to get our job done!

4. Just because we work from home doesn’t mean our kids don’t go to daycare. There are times when we have meetings outside of the home, video calls and deadlines to meet. Some work at home jobs are more demanding than others and might need the kids out of the home in order to fulfill their work duties.

5. No, our kids don’t watch Cartoon Network all day. Some work at home moms don’t send their children to daycare, but that doesn’t mean their kids sit in front of a TV all day. We still interact with our children, make them lunch, play with them AND get our job done!

6. We are really sick and tired of being told to “get a real job”. Just because our job doesn’t meet the definition of your ideal of a “real job” doesn’t mean we don’t work. We really do get a paycheck…maybe even more than yours!

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binance алдым-аққу коды

Thursday 18th of May 2023

Your point of view caught my eye and was very interesting. Thanks. I have a question for you.

Mama Miah

Sunday 15th of May 2016

You totally said it right! I can so relate to this post. I'm also a stay at home mom for 4 years but I actually have part time online jobs and also had a small home-based business. It's tough but some people can't see it and all they had in their minds is that I'm just doing nothing at home. *sigh*

Ana G

Friday 15th of January 2016

Hello All, I am thrilled to have found this site. It is full of useful information about being a WFHM. People think it's easy but it is not. I am new to being a WFHM and I have had my struggles with my two little ones, plus two school aged kids, work, housework, and dinner. It gets overwhelming at times. I feel having a schedule can help you find that balance that's needed between family and work. I am thankful for this site for I am incorporating your useful tips into my daily routine. And I take my hat off for all of you women. It is definitely more difficult to work outside the home.


Saturday 16th of January 2016

Balance is definitely needed if you work from home. It's so hard to work at home with little ones.

Ana G

Friday 15th of January 2016

I ment to say it's definitely more difficult being a WAHM and or SAHM.

Donella Crigger

Saturday 27th of December 2014

Amen to all of those things. It really is a job that never ends...sun-up to sun-down, I am busy with the work, the kiddo, the house or all three. We're productivity gurus!


Friday 19th of December 2014

i need to send this article to my husband who thinks i sit around all day doing nothing.


Wednesday 7th of January 2015

Haha, I love it!