Our schedule has seriously been slacking the last couple of months. Thanks summer vacation! Now that we are getting back into a school routine, one thing we are trying hard to focus on is a balanced and healthy lunch for the kids. My kids have never been big lunch eaters, they tend to graze and then get really hungry in the late afternoon.
During summer break this was fine but now that school is here, they don’t always have the option to eat the moment they are hungry.
How to Create a Healthy and Balanced School Lunch
Aim For a Healthy Balance
When you get getting your kids school lunch together, make sure to focus on balancing things out. You don’t want to have all proteins or all carbohydrates. You want to focus on getting in a good mix of proteins, carbs, healthy fats and some fiber. If you get a good mix in there, then you are on the right track with their lunch.
How to Find the Right Balance
It’s hard to find that right balance for your child’s lunch. What I do is try to keep a percentage in my head of the balance I want. I know that I want some healthy fats in there, a nice portion of protein and some fiber. I’m also going to make sure to include fruits and/or veggies. There is usually some carbs as well. One thing that helps make this easier for me is using a lunch box like a Bento Box. There is something about those compartment areas that keeps my mind on track with what I want to include in their lunch.
Think of Meals That Combine Everything
Sometimes, picking out individual items for your child’s lunch can be a bit overwhelming. You start to question if you included everything you wanted in order to find that balance. One way to make sure you have a healthy and balanced lunch is to create a meal that includes all of those elements.
One thing I like to do is make a wrap for my kids. I’ll use a whole grain tortilla, add in some veggies, turkey, cheese and some avocado or hummus. This is an easy way to hit all of those elements you want. You can also do this with a salad, soups and sandwiches.
Use Multiple Food Items For Balance
Another thing I like to make my kids is a homemade lunchable. Using a Bento Box with different compartments really makes this an easy and fun process. For our homemade lunchables, I include whole grain crackers, a lean protein, some avocado spread, cheese and a fun snack. Usually, our snacks are trail mix, granola, fruit or veggies.
If you have any healthy lunch ideas I’d love to hear about them in the comments!
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