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Goals for 2015

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Yes, I’m a little late with my goals for 2015 but that’s why #5 is on my list!

I’ve never had much success with resolutions, maybe I’ll have better luck by using the word “goals”. We’ll see!

Goals for 2015

2015 Goals

1. Marriage – First and foremost this year is my marriage. My marriage hasn’t always been a priority, but I’m working on that this year.

2. Family – Between working full-time and now blogging, I can already see that I have less time. I want to make it a point to get it lots of quality time with my kids. Take it from me, they won’t be little for long. My oldest will be 18 in June!

3. Health – Eating better, cooking more, working out, drinking more water and setting up regular check-ups with a doctor are at the top of my list.

4. Buying a Home – This is a huge goal of mine! We live in California and the area we live in, has a very small selection of homes with very large price tags. My husband and I will be working hard towards achieving this goal.

5. Organization – I’m probably the most unorganized person you’ll ever meet! This is something that I’m actively working on every single day. Most day’s are major failures, but hey I tried.

6. Blogging – My goal for the blog is to post five days a week. I’m hoping to grow my readership and connect with more of my readers.

7. Commitment – Once I set a goal, I need to stick to it and see it through. Remind myself not to give up and to stay committed!

8. Money – I’m not the most frugal person out there and that’s a trait that isn’t going to help me get my dream home anytime soon. I’ll be focusing on saving more and spending less. Hopefully, I’ll be able to share some tips with you soon!

What are your goals for 2015?

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Donella Crigger

Thursday 8th of January 2015

We share several of the same goals! We're definitely going to be working on saving more, spending more time together as a family and getting healthier. I also have goals for reading more books this year, actually printing more of my photos and for doing a garden this spring. Good luck to you!