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How to Have A Productive Day

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Do you struggle with productivity? I know I do! I’m one of those people who love to make lists and plan out my entire day but when it comes to implementing my plan, I fail majorly!

Thankfully, I have found a few things that work for me.

So, are you ready to find out how to have a productive day? I’m going to share my best tips with you!

Increase your productivity with these simple tips. Productivity, blogging tips, working from home

How to Have A Productive Day

Plan A Week In Advance

I used to plan my day the night before but I have found that I do better when I plan my entire week at once. This allows me to space things out and determine what items need to be done sooner in the week. I use the Productivity Planner to plan out my week. You can read all about how I use this planner here. You can also purchase your own Productivity Planner by clicking here.

Complete the Most Important Task First

For the longest time, I’d create a detailed list full of stuff I wanted to accomplish, then I’d look at my list and do the easiest tasks first. By the end of the day, my list had all the easy stuff checked off but not a lot of the important tasks checked off. After reading this book, I realized that I had to get the most important items done first, even if that meant I didn’t do anything else.

Time Block

Time blocking doesn’t work as well for me at this stage of my life since I have an unpredictable 10-month-old. However, there was a time when all the kids were in school and I could time block my day. Time blocking allowed me to always know what I should be working on at any given moment. If you want to read up more on time blocking, check out this awesome book!

Batch Your Work

There are some tasks that I love to work on and others that I’m not a big fan of. I have found that by batching my work, I can knock out a lot at one time. For example, I hate doing laundry so doing it every day would just be torture. Now, I spend one day a week doing all of the laundries and I’m done for the week. I love that once I’m done, I don’t have to think about it for at least another week. You can batch just about any task you have on your list.

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What are your tips for having a productive day? I’d love to hear about them!

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