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5 Blogging Hacks

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If you’ve been blogging for any amount of time then you know how much time it takes. Seriously, you could spend all day and night working on your blog. I know I don’t have that kind of time and I’m sure you don’t either.

I’m going to share some of my favorite blogging hacks that save me time.

Save time and get organized with these 5 blogging hacks.


5 Blogging Hacks

Save time and simplify your life with these blogging hacks!

1. CoSchedule – I absolutely love CoSchedule. Seriously, it has been a lifesaver. Not only is it an amazing editorial calendar but it allows me to always have content going out on Twitter. I recently did a full review on CoSchedule, including a video showing you exactly how it works. You can view the video tutorial here: How to Use CoSchedule.

2. BoardBooster – Pinterest is my favorite social media platform and with good reason, it brings me the majority of my blog traffic. I recently started using BoardBooster and not only does it save me money but it has dramatically increased my traffic. I’m able to set up my account so that my content is always being dripped onto my Pinterest boards. It did take some time to set up but once it’s done it runs almost 100% on auto-pilot.

3. Google Docs – It’s easy to get overwhelmed with blogging. Believe me, I know! Google docs has been a lifesaver for me. I’m able to stay completely organized with Google Docs. I have my editorial calendar, social media calendar, my marketing plan, a list of all my posts and so much more all stored within Google Docs.

4. Tailwind – For a long time Tailwind was hands down my favorite Pinterest scheduling tool. I still love Tailwind but for different reasons. Tailwind has some amazing Pinterest analytics! I also love the Google Chrome extension. Anytime I come across a post that I like, I can click on the Tailwind extension and quickly add it to my scheduler. I would suggest giving both BoardBooster and Tailwind a try and decide for yourself which one you enjoy.

5. Post Planner – I was a little unsure of Post Planner when I first heard about it but let me tell you, it’s a game changer! If you want to simplify your blogs Facebook page then Post Planner is a must have. You simply connect your Facebook account, search for trending Facebook content and watch your numbers grow. Seriously, it’s that easy.

What tools do you use to simplify blogging?

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If you enjoyed this post make sure to check out my other posts on blogging!

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Thursday 4th of May 2023

I am an investor of gate io, I have consulted a lot of information, I hope to upgrade my investment strategy with a new model. Your article creation ideas have given me a lot of inspiration, but I still have some doubts. I wonder if you can help me? Thanks.

Nikki Frank-Hamilton

Monday 14th of September 2015

Pinning to try these later, I have not jumped into any of them, and I really need to. Thanks for the tips, info and links!!!!

Emily @ The Benson Street

Saturday 12th of September 2015

I love google docs and calendar. Life savers for sure. Thanks for stopping by and linking up at the Monday Funday Party!

Sarena @ Teal Inspiration

Friday 11th of September 2015

These are great tips. Some of these I haven't heard of and will have to check out!


Thursday 10th of September 2015

Thank you for these great tips.