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5 Myths about bloggers

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Unless you really understand blogging and what a blogger does, you might have some preconceived notions about blogging and bloggers.

Today, we’ll be debunking some of those common myths about bloggers!

If you don't understand blogging and what a blogger does, you might have some opinions that aren't correct. Blogging is hard work! Let's debunk some of those blogging myths now.

5 Myths About Bloggers

1. Bloggers just want free product. While I think this myth is partially true, I know for a fact that not all bloggers just want free product. In fact, a lot of bloggers won’t take free product. More and more bloggers are starting to consider themselves professionals and in return prefer compensation for sponsored content.

2. Anyone can do it. Sorry to burst your bubble but no, not everyone can be a blogger. From the outside looking in blogging probably seems pretty easy but there is so much that goes into it. If you want to start a blog you’ll need to be willing to sacrifice a big part of your life. Blogging takes a lot of time!

3. Blogging isn’t a real job. Blogging is most definitely a job! As stated above a lot goes into blogging. In order to be successful you’ll need to understand social media, SEO, photography, marketing, branding, networking and so much more! Most bloggers don’t start off earning any money at all so everything has to be learned, there simply isn’t a budget for hiring employees. Imagine opening a restaurant with no money to hire employees. You’d have to be the cook, cashier, waiter, dishwasher and bus boy!

4. It’s all about the money. Yes, for some it is all about the money but this isn’t true across the board. There are plenty of bloggers who would blog even if they didn’t make a penny. I would also like to point out that who cares if it is all about the money. Blogging is hard and compensation for all the blood, sweat and tears is usually well deserved.

5. Bloggers are lazy. Again, so far from the truth! Bloggers are far from lazy. Bloggers work around the clock and are constantly learning and researching.

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What do you think are some of the most common myths about bloggers?

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Lauren @ Rustic Honey

Wednesday 9th of September 2015

I think anyone who tries out blogging for any amount of time will realize it isn't easy and it sure isn't for the lazy! I think bloggers just make it look easy and reader's don't always know all of the behind-the-scenes effort that goes into each post!


Wednesday 9th of September 2015

I think you are spot on. There really is a ton that goes into blogging.


Thursday 20th of August 2015

I can certainly relate to this post! We are certainly NOT LAZY. That one is the biggest myth that bugs me!

Vera Sweeney

Wednesday 19th of August 2015

Oh my gosh yes to all of this!!! I love what I do an a lot of effort goes into it especially a lot of the behind the scenes that you mentioned!