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3 Easy Ways to Save Time This Summer

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This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and EDWARDS®, but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #EdwardsPies

Summer is always a busy time for my family. Between the kids going on mini-vacations with the grandparents, football practice and last-minute get-togethers, it seems like we never have much down time. I feel like I’m always trying to squeeze every last minute out of summer. The below tips are the ones I live by during the summer months.

Do you feel like you are busy all summer long? You're not alone!  But not to worry, here are 3 tips to save time this summer.


3 Easy Ways to Save Time This Summer

Enjoying summer is easy when you have an Edwards Pie on hand.

1. Keep a pie on hand. You never know when you’re going to be invited to a summer cook-out, when unexpected guests might show up or when the kids might have friends over. There is nothing worse than having to rush to bake up a yummy treat. Having an EDWARDS® pie on hand will ensure you are always prepared. Since I do my grocery shopping at Walmart, I always pick one up on grocery shopping days. If you want to give one of the Edwards Pies a try, you can use this digital coupon to save $1.00 off any Edwards Pies, while supplies last.

Edwards makes it easier for busy families to enjoy a tasty dessert without all the work. You simply, take your pie out of the freezer and let it defrost in the refrigerator for two hours. Seriously, how much easier does it get? My favorite thing about Edwards is the huge selection of pies you have to pick from. Just look at the list below!

Need an easy way to enjoy more of your summer? Try this delicious Edwards Pie


    • EDWARDS® HERSHEY’S® Chocolate Crème Pie
    • EDWARDS® Key Lime Pie
    • EDWARDS® Turtle Pie
    • EDWARDS® New York Style Cheesecake
    • EDWARDS® Lemon Meringue Pie
    • EDWARDS® Cookies and Crème Pie
    • EDWARDS® HERSHEY’S® SPECIAL DARK Chocolate Crème Pie
    • EDWARDS® Strawberry Crème Pie

I ended up picking up the New York Style Cheesecake and the Turtle Pie. Both pies were absolutely amazing. In fact my kids enjoyed the Turtle Pie so much that they ate it before I could even snap a photos.

My favorite was the New York Style Cheesecake because it taste so good as is or you can add your favorite cheesecake toppings. I added caramel and whip cream. Delicious!


2. Keep the house company ready. I don’t know about you but it feels like every time my house is a mess is the one time people show up unexpected. Embarrassing! So now every morning when I wake up, I spend about 30-minutes picking up the house and making sure it’s all cleaned up. Now that I’ve started doing this, the house stays pretty clean and I’m not totally embarrassed if a guest shows up.

3. Don’t over commit yourself. This should be a no-brainer but we all tend to over commit ourselves. How are you supposed to enjoy summer if you are busy every single moment of it? Before you say yes to any commitment, take a moment to think about it and decide if it’s something that you or your family truly want to do. You don’t have to say yes to every outing, dinner party or playdate. It’s okay to say no! Give yourself some space to breathe this summer.


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Tuesday 14th of July 2015

I will have to pick up one of those pies. With the valley heat a nice frozen dessert will be perfect for one of those frequent no baking days. Thanks for sharing.


Tuesday 14th of July 2015

Yes, they are perfect for those hot days! I absolutely love to bake but I really don't enjoy heating up the house when it's already 100+ outside.