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5 Ways to Spice Up Your Marriage

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Is your marriage in a rut sexually? If so you’re not alone! Just about all marriages go through this. These five marriage tips will help you better your marriage and spice up your marriage!

Need some fun ways to spice up your marriage? These tips are perfect for any marriage. #4 is great!

5 Ways to Spice Up Your Marriage

1. Kiss More – Have you ever stopped to think how many times a day you kiss your husband? I thought about this the other day and realized there are days when I don’t kiss him once. I hug him, I rub his back, I cuddle him, but I don’t kiss him. Kissing is the foundation of having a passionate relationship so make sure you are doing lots of kissing!

2. Go to Bed Together – There are so many nights that I tell my husband to go to bed without me. I want to stay up and blog, surf the internet or just relax. Thankfully, this is the one thing he really puts his foot down on. He really likes us to go to bed together. If we go to bed at the same time his chances of getting intimate just doubled!

3. Get Dolled Up – Your husband sees you every day. He knows how many times you’ve worn that old sweater. He sees you with no makeup on and your hair in a bun so surprise him one day. Breakout one of your favorite outfits, do your hair and put on some makeup. When he walks in the door he should be thinking “WOW!”

Him seeing you all dolled up is going to instantly put him in the mood and it’s going to put you in the mood just by his reaction.

4. Say No to Sweats and Yes to Lingerie – I love wearing comfortable pajamas to bed, but they don’t scream sexy. In fact, they probably scream don’t touch me. Start putting on some sexier clothing at bedtime. Lingerie is great, but you can also wear a pair or short shorts with a tank top or better yet just a white t-shirt.

5. Text Throughout the Day – Suprise your husband with some sexy text messages throughout the day. I’m not talking x-rated unless that’s your thing. Just random texts throughout the day letting him know you are thinking about him, you can’t wait for him to get home, you want some extra quality time with him or anything else that gives him the hint that it’s going to be a good night.

Need some ideas on sexy texts to send your hubby? I’ve got you covered! Check out text messages 2.0!

love text messages for your spouse

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better your marriage

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