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New Mom Gift Basket | Baby Shower Gift Idea

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Need a baby shower gift idea? This new mom gift basket is the perfect gift for any expecting mother. I recently had a new baby boy! In fact, he is a month old today. However, he is my 4th baby so I’d like to consider myself an experienced mom.

My cousin is pregnant with her first baby and I’m excited to put together a gift basket for her.

Now let’s get that gift basket together for that special mom-to-be in your life.

new moms

New Mom Gift Basket | Baby Shower Gift Idea

Items needed:

  • Baby Bottles
  • Hand wipes (to keep moms hands clean)
  • Nipple cream
  • Toys
  • Pregnancy book
  • Books for baby
  • Lotion for baby
  • Nose suction
  • Bibs
  • Towels
  • Diapers
  • Prenatal vitamins
  • Soft blanket
  • Some sort of basket to place the items in

You can add so much more to this basket! The possibilities are endless! These are just some of the items I think every mom needs to have.

New mom gift basket, the perfect baby shower gift idea.


bottles collage

My basket is pretty deep so I decided to fold up the towels and blanket in order to get a nice shelf to set the other items on.

After folding up the blanket and towels, I placed the books at the back of the basket. Placing the books at the back of the basket helps stabilize the other items.

Next, I put the diapers, lotions, prenatal’s and bibs in the basket.

Next, I set the bigger items in the front which was the Baby Bottles and wipes for moms hands.

Lastly, I set the toy in the very back of the basket behind the books. I thought having a toy pop out of the basket was cute and fun!

Let your creativity shine and make this basket unique to you and the mom. There is so much you could do with this idea to make it your own and unique to the mom.

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