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Why Your Marriage Needs to Be A Priority

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We walk around with our smartphones making sure every last task has a spot on our calendar. Pick up the kids from school, doctor’s appointments, field trips, they all have a place on our task list. You can read more marriage tips here.

Is your marriage on that list? Probably not, but it should be!

Our marriage needs to be a priority in our lives. It’s not something that can be put at the bottom of a “to do” list.

Are you ready to make your marriage a priority?

Is your marriage a priority? If not it needs to be! These marriage tips are perfect for getting any marriage back on track.

Make Your Marriage A Priority

It’s easy to get caught up in the day to day hustle and bustle. Jobs, kids and housework are all things that take up time in our daily life, but that doesn’t mean that our marriage needs to get pushed to the side. Below are some great tips to ensure your marriage stays a top priority in your life.

Communicate with your spouse throughout the day. You don’t have to call and text each other every ten minutes, but you can send over a quick text to let him or her know that you are thinking about them. Or just say hi and ask how their day is going. It’s really the simple things that let our spouses know we care.

Make lunch dates with your spouse. I know not all couples get the opportunity to have date nights so change things up and have a lunch date. Reconnecting during the work day is always fun and a relaxing hour out of your day.

Set a no television for an hour rule. I know my husband and I are guilty of sitting on the couch and watching TV or surfing the net. Sometimes we won’t even talk to each other for hours on end. Not because we don’t love each other, it’s just our way of unwinding after the kids go to bed. Try setting a specific hour every night where the two of you don’t do anything but hang out with each other. Talk about your day, make plans for the weekend, snuggle, play a board game or anything else that ensures the two of you are connecting.

Go to bed at the same time. So many couples go to bed at separate times. Make it a point to go to bed at the same exact time. This will give you a chance to lay in bed and talk for a few minutes or get some good snuggles in before you fall asleep. This will also help you improve your sex life which is HUGE in a marriage!

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What tips do you have for making your marriage a priority?

Is your marriage a priority? If not it needs to be! These marriage tips are perfect for getting any marriage back on track.

If you enjoyed this post make sure to take a look at my post on the 4 Books All Couples Should Read. 

4 books every married couple needs to read!

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