As a mom of three, it can be a challenge to find time for myself. Call me selfish but I enjoy alone time, time for my mind and body to unwind. I truly believe that having some alone time makes me a better wife and mom.
But how does a busy mom find alone time? It’s not always easy, but I promise you it’s possible! Today I’m sharing my 5 tips for getting in some much needed alone time.
For me getting in some “me” time doesn’t have to be expensive. In fact I prefer if it’s free or very affordable. Spending a ton of money just to get in some “me” time would stress me out and I wouldn’t be able to enjoy my time.
Take a Bubble Bath
While the kids are at school or napping, get that bath water running. Grab your favorite bubble bath and maybe even a glass of wine and enjoy a long relaxing soak in the tub. The key to enjoying a relaxing bubble bath is making sure the kids aren’t around or awake. We all know moms aren’t allowed to bathe in privacy!
Read a Book or Magazine
I love a good book, but sometimes I simply don’t have enough time to read a whole book. This is why I love having a magazine on hand. I picked up a copy of Sunset and Real Simple while shopping at Safeway, knowing I’d dig into it while the kids were at sports practice. Sure enough, while the kids were at their practice, I sat in the car with the windows down all while enjoying a cool breeze and a great magazine. I found so many great recipes for fall in the Sunset magazine. Real Simple got me thinking about my fall wardrobe, there was a great article on how to get dressed with less stress.
Take advantage of $1.00 off participating titles (PEOPLE®, InStyle®, People StyleWatch®, Real Simple®, and Sunset®) with this digital offer until 10/18/15 while supplies last.
Go for a Walk
I’m obsessed with getting in my daily steps and my kids know that my daily walk is mom time! They don’t even ask to come with me anymore. I don’t take very long walks, just long enough to enjoy some peace and quiet.
See, I’m all smiles after a walk!
Take a Drive
With three kids in my home, it’s always a little crazy here. There are days that I just can’t handle hearing the kids argue, the xBox blaring or the music blasting. I feel like my mind is a scrambled mess from all the chaos. On days like that I get really grumpy and I find myself getting short with the kids. When this happens, I get in my car and take a 10 or 20-minute drive. I don’t go far and I don’t stay gone long, but it’s long enough for me to feel a lot better.
Watch a Movie
My husband is really good about keeping the kids quiet on the weekends so that I can catch up on my favorite shows or just enjoy a movie in the bedroom. It’s so nice to just lay in bed and watch some TV without being disturbed.
This post is part of a social shopper marketing insight campaign with Pollinate Media Group® and Real Simple® and Sunset® Magazines but all my opinions are my own. #pmedia #BacktoMeTime
I want to know how you enjoy some “me time”! Let me know in the comments.
It’s so important to take time for ourselves. This is something that I really learned last week while I was dealing with a serious allergic reaction, nothing like a major case of hives to make you rest! ha
Lisa Sharp recently posted…Made in the USA Dresses for Fall
I do all the things you mentioned too! Hanging or talking with a friend is another good me-time thing to do.
Laurie recently posted…Debbie Macomber and Cedar Cove
Yes, love “girl” time!