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To the Girl Dating My Teenage Son

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When I first heard that you were dating my son, I wasn’t happy. In fact, I just wanted to close my eyes and pretend you didn’t exist.

I just knew that I wouldn’t like you. How could I? No-one would ever be good enough for my son.

Then I saw the two of you together and I knew you were a sweetheart. Over time, we got to know each other and I was able to see how happy you made my son and what mom could be upset about that?

But more than that, I got to know you and I have a few things I’d like to say to you.

My teenage son has started dating and there are a few things I'd like to say to the girl he's dating!

1. You are beautiful, don’t ever let anyone tell you different.

2. Don’t lose focus of your goals! Any man including my son is not worth putting your goals to the side. If he loves you, he will support you while you accomplish the goals you have set for yourself.

3. Stick to your beliefs and morals. Never let anyone talk you into doing anything you aren’t comfortable with. A good man will respect your boundaries.

4. Don’t forget who you are. I was young and in love once too and I remember how easy it was to let go of your friends and hobbies. It’s easy to forget who you are and to become one with the person you love. Always remember your true friends, your interests and most importantly who you are as a person.

It’s easy to forget who you are and to become one with the person you love. Always remember your true friends, your interests and most importantly who you are as a person.

5. Don’t ever let a man disrespect you. You are an amazing young lady and you deserve to be treated with the utmost respect. Never let any man talk down to you or abusive you in any way.

6. Know when it’s time to move on. It’s easy to get caught up in love even when you know the relationship is not what you want anymore. Never stay because you’re scared to be without that person, you are strong and you will find the right relationship.

Never stay because you’re scared to be without that person, you are strong and you will find the right relationship. Your happiness should always be a priority!


The mother of your boyfriend

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Sunday 18th of March 2018

Thank you so much for this article. I have three daughters. My oldest started dating three months ago. I've been telling my girls these same things for years, but coming from a boy's mum it seems more powerful. My girls will definitely be reading this ;). Have a nice day


Monday 19th of March 2018

Aww, thank you! I also have a daughter and I sometimes hate the double standard with boys and girls. I want my sons to treat the women in their life just like I want my daughter's future boyfriend to treat her.


Monday 25th of September 2017

I have to say it was like a walk down memorie lane reading your lovley article! My parents started to let me date in a serious relationship as soon as i turned 13 and he was 17 ! Bad idea,i went through no freinds,to loosing myself,i also was abusied physically, and mentally! I hung in there for 5 years then dumped him! Came back for more at 24 and nothing had changed for the good,we have an 11 yr old daughter he has nothing to do with! She was a preemie and i did all the N.I.C.U. work for a month as well and at home, plus he had two beatiful daughters 3 and 1 ,it ripped my heart out to leave again after 3 yrs for the kids, but i needed to let us find happy...THANK YOU!

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Wednesday 11th of January 2017

[…] An Open Letter To The Girl Dating My Son […]


Saturday 18th of July 2015

Really great post, I am so glad I found it. Keep it up with the amazing content!!


Sunday 17th of May 2015

Beautiful, Kristi! I'm going to save this for when my son starts dating (oh man lol)


Sunday 17th of May 2015

Thank you! It's so hard when they start dating. All you can do is hope your child makes good choices.