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5 Simple Tips for Communicating With Your Teen

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When my son first entered his teen years, I thought of a million issues we might face together. However, it never occurred to me that we’d face communication problems.

I have been blessed with a son who is now 17 years old. Over the last few years, he has slowly stopped talking to me as much and I’ve had to come up with ways to get him to open up. Keeping the lines of communication open with your teenager is extremely important.

Communicating with your teen is so important. These 5 tips will help you ensure you are keeping the lines of communication open.

5 Simple Tips to Communicating With Your Teen

1.  Give them space – Teens don’t always want to talk about their problems, concerns or other personal issues. As parents we feel that we need to know everything! Take a step back and give your teen some space. Let your son or daughter know you are available and when they do come to you, make sure you are available! Giving your teen a little space shows them that you do respect their boundaries and will be there when they are ready to talk.

2. Spend quality time together – I know my son loves hanging out with his friends and his social schedule is always full. Don’t let your son or daughters active life stop you from spending time together. Spending time together allows you to bond with your teen and you might be surprised how much your teen will open up when they are in a relaxed environment and having some fun.

3. Don’t judge – More times than not our children don’t want to open up to us for fear of judgement. Recently, my son and his girlfriend had an argument and he was feeling pretty down. At the time, he didn’t want to tell me what was going on because he didn’t want me upset with his girlfriend. Listen without judgement! You might not always like what you hear but remember, your child needs to know that they can trust you.

4. Ask questions without nagging – There will come a time when you know something is going on with your teen and they simply won’t open up. When this happens it’s very important to figure out what’s going on. Remember, the more we push the more he or she will pull away. Ask probing questions without nagging and digging too deep. Start with some very basic questions and as he or she opens up dig a little deeper…take it slow!

5. Show an interest in their hobbies – If your child thinks you don’t care about what’s going on in their life, they won’t have a reason to talk to you. Make sure you are showing an interest in their school, friends, sports, hobbies and in them! The more vested you are in your child the stronger your relationship will be.

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If you are looking to improve your communication with your teen, I highly suggest the below books. The links do contain affiliate links.

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