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10 Things Your Daughter Should Know Before Her First Date

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Even though my daughter is only six-years-old, I know that before I know it she’ll be dating. Scary! Once she does start dating, I want to make sure she’s prepared for what she’s up against. Dating is a lot of work, especially for teens and young adults.

Ten things your daughter should know before her first date.

10 Things  Your Daughter Should Know Before Her First Date

1. No does mean no. If you are uncomfortable, you need to say no and he needs to respect that.

[Tweet “Dating rule #1. No Means No! #dating #teens”]

2. Stay in a public place. Movies, dinner, bowling or any other activity out in public are good choices for a 1st date. Do not go somewhere completely alone with someone you are just getting to know.

3. Be you! He asked you out for a reason so just be yourself. You don’t need to make him like you by acting like someone you’re not.

4. Have an exit strategy. Remember, mom and dad are here for you. If you need to be picked up, we are only a phone call or text away.

5. Have fun! Dating should be fun. It gives you a chance to get to know people of the opposite sex, allows you to figure out what qualities you want in a mate and you also learn a lot about yourself in the process.

6. He should come to the front door and pick you up. A gentleman won’t sit in the driveway and honk the horn. A gentleman wants to meet your family no matter how nervous he is.

7. There’s a difference between pretty and trashy. More and more girls seem to think that by wearing less clothes it makes them prettier. The truth is you can dress in a respectable manner and look absolutely stunning. Respectable boys want respectable girls.

8. Engage in conversation with your date. There is nothing more awkward than being on a date where neither of you speak. Before you even go on the date think of some conversation starters.

College goals

Sports or activities the two of you are active in

Best family vacation

Siblings and family


9. He should pay for the first date. Don’t offer to pay on the first date, he should take care of this.

* I also have two sons and I 100% believe my sons should pay for the first date. If they want to split future dates, that’s ok.

10. Use your manners. Just like I expect him to act like a gentleman, I expect you to act like the amazing young lady that you are.

What tips would you give your daughter before her first date?

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Friday 15th of July 2022

I always tell both my kids dating is to find the person you want to find some one for marriage. If your not thinking about finding the person you want to marry or thinking about marriage at all you shouldn’t be dating. I think a lot of people now days don’t think about the long term hardships that can come with dating.

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