The Classy Chapter Too Married for Cosmo...Too Fabulous for Redbook Thu, 09 May 2019 03:28:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 7 Ways to Save Money When Eating Out Mon, 03 Apr 2017 14:00:30 +0000 Lately, we’ve been trying to eat out less and cook more at home. While I love to cook, sometimes the thought of getting my kitchen dirty just doesn’t sound all that fun. Other times, I’m just to dang worn out to even think about cooking. When we do eat out, I always try to make...

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Lately, we’ve been trying to eat out less and cook more at home. While I love to cook, sometimes the thought of getting my kitchen dirty just doesn’t sound all that fun. Other times, I’m just to dang worn out to even think about cooking.

When we do eat out, I always try to make sure it’s done as budget friendly as possible.

Use these simple tips to save money when eating out at restaurants. 7 Ways to Save Money When Eating Out

1. Look at the menu before you go to the restaurant! This might sound like an odd tip but believe me it helps. It never fails, we leave the house to go out to eat and I’m not super hungry but by the time we get to the restaurant and sit down to order food I’m STARVING! I end up ordering more than I normally would. I’ve now got into the habit of looking at the menu before arriving and knowing exactly what I’m going to order. This helps me not over order and waste money.

2. Go during happy hour! You can score some great deals if you go out to eat during happy hour. Sometimes discounts are only offered on appetizers but who cares, some of those appetizers are super yummy and very filling.

3. Skip the drinks! I know it’s tempting to order a glass of wine or soda with dinner but drinks can quickly increase your bill. A glass of wine can easily cost you $6 or more at a restaurant. A soda normally runs $3 or more, you could buy a six-pack of soda for that price.

4. Say no to dessert! Don’t get me wrong, I love a good dessert but hate the restaurant prices. After dinner, we usually head over to a local ice cream shop and get a scoop of ice cream for a fraction of the price. Even better, pick up a gallon of ice cream on your way home.

5. Check out any two for one deal! A lot of restaurants (even high-end restaurants) offer 2-for-1 deals or things like two meals for a set price. You usually get an appetizer, two main dishes and a dessert to share. If the restaurant has it available take advantage.

6. Check to see if the restaurant has an app! A lot more restaurants are offering their customers discounts if they download their app. It’s worth checking into. I’ve received free appetizers, drinks and more just from installing an app.

7. Go early! Going out for an early dinner pays off when you get to order off of the lunch menu. A lot of the time the lunch menu is the exact same as the dinner menu only with small portions and a smaller price tag.

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What are your tips for saving money when eating out?

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5 Tips for Raising Financially Savvy Kids Thu, 19 Jan 2017 15:00:47 +0000 Having four kids means we think about our finances on a regular basis! It also means that we have to say no to our kids fairly often. It seems like they always want or need something. If we said yes to everything, we’d have no money ever! Don’t get me wrong there is a part...

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Having four kids means we think about our finances on a regular basis! It also means that we have to say no to our kids fairly often. It seems like they always want or need something. If we said yes to everything, we’d have no money ever!

Don’t get me wrong there is a part of me that wishes I could buy my kids everything their little heart desired but would that really benefit them? I strongly believe that by not giving into their every desire is teaching some life-long financial lessons and my goal is to raise financially savvy kids. I have put together some tips for raising financially savvy kids and I hope it helps you out within your own home.

Here are five tips for raising financially savvy children. Tips for teaching your kids to save an earn money. 5 Tips for Raising Financially Savvy Kids

1. Talk about finances with them. I know a lot of people say kids shouldn’t worry about adult stresses and while I do agree, I think kids should also have a basic understanding of adult finances. Now this doesn’t mean you have to tell them that you’re struggling to pay the mortgage. However, you can let them watch you pay the bills or watch you budget for the month. You can also explain that you only have a certain amount to spend on groceries which is why they can’t have 5 boxes of fruit snacks. The goal here is to get the kids involved.

2. Help them set up a budget for their own money. When your kids get money for their birthday, Christmas, graduation or any other event help them set up a budget. We all know how it feels to get some extra money and feel like it’s burning a hole in our pocket. Don’t let this happen! Sit down with your kids and come up with a savings and spending budget for their money.

3. Make them save for items they want. Does your child want the latest toy or video game on the market? Great, make them save for it! Typically, I only buy my children toys and electronics at Christmas and birthdays. Outside of those two occasions, they have to save for any wants they have. Not only has this made my children appreciate the items more but it has taught them the value of a dollar. Sometimes, I will have them save up for the whole item and other times I will pay for half.

4. Help your children set up a bank account. One of the best things I have ever done with my children is having THEM set up a bank account! They got to go through the process of being at the bank, setting up the account and depositing money into the account. One of my children is now 19-years-old and it’s awesome to see him pay his own bills, set up recurring payments and truly understand how to balance his money.

5. Teach them ways to earn money. Children are always going to have wants, as adults we always have wants but we have to find a way to pay for those wants. Teach your children age appropriate ways to earn some money. Even young children can earn some extra money by making and selling crafts, doing yard work, babysitting, chores or anything else they can think of.

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If you enjoyed this post on tips for raising financially savvy kids, make sure to check out my other posts!

4 Ways to Pay for College

How to Find College Scholarships

Is your teen graduating from high school soon? If so it's not only time to think about graduation ideas but also how to find scholarships for college. There are some great ideas in here!

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How I Save Time and Money In the Kitchen Wed, 21 Sep 2016 19:20:38 +0000 I love cooking but I’m not always a fan of the prep work that comes along with cooking. I have a large family and a limited amount of time to spend in the kitchen. Anything that will save me time is a major bonus! One of my least favorite cooking tasks is chopping up vegetables...

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I love cooking but I’m not always a fan of the prep work that comes along with cooking. I have a large family and a limited amount of time to spend in the kitchen. Anything that will save me time is a major bonus!

One of my least favorite cooking tasks is chopping up vegetables and herbs. Thankfully, I’ve now found a super simple way to minimize the amount of time I spend chopping up herbs.

Not only does this product save me time but it also saves me money. I can’t tell you the number of times I’ve started to cook a recipe only to find out I didn’t have all the required herbs. I end up sending my husband to the store for garlic, cilantro, basil or whatever it might be. I use the small amount required for the recipe and end up wasting the rest. Not ok!

Thankfully, Dorot has a nice selection of frozen herbs that you can get at your local Trader Joe’s or Whole Foods.

So, where will you find these amazing frozen herbs? In the freezer section!

dorot collage

how to save time and money in the kitchen

The Dorot products:
• Crushed Garlic
• Chopped Parsley
• Chopped Basil
• Glazed Onions
• Chopped Dill
• Chopped Cilantro
• Chopped Chili
• Crushed Ginger

As you can see there is a great selection! I picked up the crushed garlic and chopped basil since those seem to be the two things I always need to have on hand.

dorot 1

Dorot is offering a $1 off coupon for anyone interested in trying out the products.

The Dorot products are all natural, vegan and gluten free! The herbs come in small cube sizes making it perfect for cooking!

dorot cubes


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4 Ways to Pay for College Fri, 18 Mar 2016 04:16:56 +0000 If you have a college-age child, keep reading! Seriously, you need this! If you don’t have college aged children, keep reading, you’ll need this sooner than you think. Trust me! Paying for college is expensive and stressful but thankfully there are some ways to ease that stress. Today, I’m partnering with College Ave Student Loans...

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If you have a college-age child, keep reading! Seriously, you need this! If you don’t have college aged children, keep reading, you’ll need this sooner than you think. Trust me! Paying for college is expensive and stressful but thankfully there are some ways to ease that stress. Today, I’m partnering with College Ave Student Loans to discuss student loans and other ways to pay for college. My son is 18 and let me tell you, setting him up for success with college was a huge expense that I didn’t see coming.

4 ways to pay for college

4 Ways to Pay for College

1. Savings – If you’ve been planning for college for your child then savings might be a great option. However, I know a lot of middle-class families simply can’t afford to save up enough money for college, especially if they have more than one child. Here in California, the cost of college keeps going up every year. Even community college is getting unaffordable.

2. Loans – Your child probably doesn’t have the income or credit qualifications to qualify for a loan on their own so as a parent you might need to co-sign or put the loan in your name. This will mean that your credit score and history will determine how much you can borrow and the interest rate.

College Ave Student Loans and Experian are offering an exclusive limited-time College Ave Student Loans and Experian are offering an exclusive limited-time partnership for families that are preparing to pay for college a “credit health check” – this is a personalized credit education session with an Experian Credit EducatorSM College Ave is collaborating with Experian to better support parents who may need to consider borrowing or co-signing a private student loan in the coming months if savings, scholarships and federal aid falls short of higher education costs. Families who may want to explore private financing options should start getting ready now.

The complimentary, personalized, one-on-one credit education session consists of one in-depth 35-minute phone call with an Experian Credit Educator agent. During this phone session, parents will receive a copy of their Experian credit report and score and a personalized, step-by-step walk-through of the report, as well as examples of actions that may improve their credit score and insights for future credit management decisions.

Spend the time to shop around for a student loan. You’ll want to find the best the right one for your family as not all student loans are created equally. Look for a loan, such as the ones from College Ave Student Loans, that offer multiple ways to lower the cost of the loan: low rates, rewarding families for making in-school payments, no origination fees or pre-payment penalties and a choice on terms.

3. Scholarships – There are so many scholarships available to college students. You should keep in mind that most scholarships do not cover the entire cost of college. I would still take the time and have my child apply as every penny helps.


4. Federal Aid – Any aid your child can qualify for will be a huge help when it comes to financing college. However, when applying for financial aid it does go off of the parents taxes, which makes it a little harder to qualify for if you make more than the regulated amount.

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This is a sponsored post written by me on behalf of College Ave Student Loans.

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How to Save Money on A High School Graduation Party Mon, 18 May 2015 15:00:00 +0000 The time has come. Your baby is about to graduate from high school. Along with all the Along with all the emotions, you’re surely feeling, there also comes a wave of expenses. There are all the extra activities and dances seniors have to take part in and the portraits and cap and gown. After the...

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The time has come. Your baby is about to graduate from high school. Along with all the

Along with all the emotions, you’re surely feeling, there also comes a wave of expenses. There are all the extra activities and dances seniors have to take part in and the portraits and cap and gown. After the expenses throughout the year, it may seem a bit daunting to have to think about planning and paying for the graduation party. But, there are several ways to save money on a high school graduation party. All it takes is a little planning and you can have the perfect party for a fraction of the cost!

After the expenses throughout the year, it may seem a bit daunting to have to think about planning and paying for the graduation party. But, there are several ways to save money on a high school graduation party. All it takes is a little planning and you can have the perfect party for a fraction of the cost!

Graduation parties are expensive! The costs can really add up but here are some fun tips for planning a graduation party.

How to Save Money On A High School Graduation Party

Party Invitations

The first thing to consider when starting to plan a graduation party is the invitations. While it may seem nice to send out paper invitations, this is expensive and in this digital age, isn’t necessary. Create an event on Facebook or, if you want to be a bit more traditional, send email invitations. There are several websites that offer beautiful and unique invitations for a minimal cost or even free. Most people don’t need anything more than an email, anyways. And if you have older relatives who aren’t online as much, a few handwritten invitations are still less expensive than the vast amount you would have to send otherwise.

Scale the Guest List

While this may not seem like a hugely popular idea, one way of cutting back costs is to limit the guest list. It’s very important to have those who mean the most to you and your new graduate with you on this important day, but you shouldn’t feel pressured to invite everyone. Family members and a few close friends will make the day just as special and provide an intimacy that larger groups lack.

Do You Really Need To Rent A Venue?

If you have a home that can fit the size of the group you’re inviting, opt out of renting a restaurant or hall and just have the party at your place. Or, if you have a family member or friend who have a good space, ask to use their home. This will cut back on huge costs and, with a few tweaks and decorations, it will be just as memorable. If your group is too large for a home party, look at local churches who might rent out their halls. These are usually much cheaper than other venues.

It’s All About The Food

Now that you have a guest list and venue, it’s time to start thinking about food. If you have the time and ability, consider making most of the food yourself. Look for sales at your local grocery store and start stocking up long before the party. If you have family or friends who can cook or bake and are willing to help, commission a few main dishes from them. Not only will this make it much cheaper for you, but home cooked food is always better. And this doesn’t just go for the main dishes. If you know someone who can bake and decorate well, ask them to do a cake or cupcakes for you. Paying a friend to help will be much cheaper than catering or ordering a cake.

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How Meal Planning Can Save You Time and Money Mon, 27 Apr 2015 14:00:00 +0000 Everyone is trying to save a little time. And if there’s a way to save time and money, all the better. Meal planning is the perfect way to save time and money. Meal planning is the process of picking what meals you’ll be eating for the next few days or even a week in advance....

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Everyone is trying to save a little time. And if there’s a way to save time and money, all the better. Meal planning is the perfect way to save time and money.

Meal planning is the process of picking what meals you’ll be eating for the next few days or even a week in advance. It involves making a list of what you’ll be wanting to cook for each meal and what ingredients will be needed for those meals. This means that you’ll only need to shop once during that time and you’ll already know exactly what you’re going to make.

Did you know that meal planning can save you time and money? Creating a weekly meal plan is the perfect way to make sure you are saving money.

How Meal Planning Saves You Time and Money

Meal planning saves a huge amount of time. You’ll no longer have to run to the grocery store several times a week, which can eat up time, especially if you have to drag your kids along for each trip. And, all those hours spent standing in front of an open fridge wondering what you’ll make? You don’t have to worry about that anymore, because as soon as it’s time to eat, all you have to do is look at your pre-planned menu and pull out your pre-bought ingredients.

This time-saving isn’t just for those with families, either. No matter what the amount you’re cooking, planning your meals out will save you just as much time. Meal planning works perfectly, especially if there are leftovers. They can be packed up for used for lunches or even be eaten at a later meal.

Not only does meal planning save time, it also saves money. By knowing exactly what you need, you won’t be buying extras or unnecessary items. When people grocery shop without a very specific list, they tend to grab more food than they need, some of which they won’t even use. Meal planning encourages looking at what you already have in your pantry, so you’re only purchasing the things you’re missing. When you take the time to really think it through, you actually have more food than you realize.

Meal planning also saves you from a bunch of stress. Organization can bring relief to an otherwise chaotic life. Meal planning is a way of creating a system, which will order your life in a whole new way. You’ll feel less worried about what you’ll be eating and what you’ll be spending on that food. And knowing those two things makes the rest of the stresses of the world seem just a little bit less.

If you enjoyed this post, make sure to check out my weekly meal plans.

Menu planning is a huge time saver and saves you money! Every week, you'll find different dinner menu ideas.

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How to Find College Scholarships Thu, 16 Apr 2015 14:00:00 +0000 College is expensive. It’s a fact that has sparked many debates over the past few years, brought about by the point that so many college graduates are thousands of dollars in debt. There are a variety of ways to combat the rising prices of a college education, but one that is constantly overlooked is the...

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College is expensive. It’s a fact that has sparked many debates over the past few years, brought about by the point that so many college graduates are thousands of dollars in debt. There are a variety of ways to combat the rising prices of a college education, but one that is constantly overlooked is the concept of scholarships. Many high school graduates are uninformed about the many different scholarships available to them. They think that they need high grades or other special qualifications to get scholarships. However, there are many untapped sources of college funding out there if a student knows where to look.

There are quite literally hundreds of scholarship programs. And, as mentioned above, not all are based on grades or educational accomplishments. There are scholarships for athletics, religion, race, gender, and family situations. The first thing to do when looking for one of these scholarships is to make a list of your own personal accomplishments and reasons you might deserve a scholarship. This will help give you a clearer path on your journey to find a college scholarship.

Is your teen graduating from high school soon? If so it's not only time to think about graduation ideas but also how to find scholarships for college. There are some great ideas in here!

How to Find College Scholarships

Once you know that you can qualify for several different types of scholarships, you need to begin looking. While most students searching for scholarships immediately go online and start applying for larger ones, there is an easier way. Start in your own town. Looking locally will cut your competition down dramatically. And there are hundreds of businesses who offer scholarships for people from their hometown to support learning.

Look at the businesses or companies your parents work at and see if they offer employee scholarships. Then, visit your local government office and ask for a list of scholarships offered in the area. They should be able to help you find hundreds or even thousands of dollars for school. Larger companies also offer scholarships. Organizations like Walmart and McDonalds might offer money to worthy students who qualify or are willing to intern for a summer or so.

Finding college scholarships isn’t hard! #teens #college
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If you’re a minority, there are thousands of scholarship opportunities for you. Unfortunately, many students don’t realize that being a minority doesn’t just include being a racial minority, though there are several scholarships for racial minorities. If you’re female, homosexual, bisexual, or transgendered, you are considered a minority. You can find these scholarships offered by states, companies, charities, and even by the federal government.

Scholarships are also offered for what degree you’re going to be working towards in college. These are typically offered by the colleges themselves and a simple phone call to the establishment you hope to attend will provide you with all the information you need. No matter what your grades look like or what you’re planning to study, there are more than likely scholarships available.

A large majority of schools also offer money for those in certain stages of their college career. So, whether you’re an undergraduate freshman or you’re going into your PhD, there might be money available to you. These can be found by speaking to an advisor at the school or online. Look up your focus of study and what year you are online, and you should find several results that will help lower the cost of your education.

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Resources: Ultimate Scholarship Book 2016

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