Do you ever wake up in the morning and just feel unpretty? I know I have those days. It’s important to feel good about ourselves and feel beautiful. It’s not always easy but when you feel down about yourself it affects everything in your life. When you don’t feel good about yourself it really shows and people can see that your lacking confidence.
10 Ways to Feel Beautiful
1. Get Dressed – It’s hard to get out of that I’m not beautiful funk if you haven’t showered or gotten dressed yet. So get up, get in the shower and then put on one of your favorite outfits. Put on something that you feel good in. It doesn’t matter if it’s a dress, jeans or yoga pants as long as you feel good wearing it.
2. Put on Makeup – I don’t normally wear makeup on a daily basis but when I do wear makeup I instantly feel better. Now, don’t go crazy with your makeup, just be a little on to highlight your natural features. Remember a little can go a long way.
3. Exercise – Not only is exercise good for your body, but it also gives you energy. Anytime I’m feeling down about myself, my energy level is normally down as well. Getting in a quick walk or workout will instantly boost your day and make you feel like your on top of the world.
4. Have a Good Breakfast – Breakfast is the most important meal of the day and skipping it just sets your day up for failure. Spending your morning hungry will just make you feel worse and maybe even sick. Get a good healthy breakfast in your system and that will help you feel amazing!
5. Listen to Uplifting Music – Music is good for the soul and it’s really hard to be angry when you’re listening to your favorite tunes. Turn up the music and dance around the room! You’ll feel happy and beautiful instantly.
6. Meet a Friend for Coffee – Anytime I’m feeling down, spending time with a good friend can change my mood. There is something about a good friend that can really change your whole perspective.
7. Tell Yourself That Your Beautiful – This is probably the most important thing you can do. Every day, even when you aren’t feeling beautiful, tell yourself that you are. Don’t just say it for the sake of saying it. You have to believe it!
What makes you feel beautiful?
If you enjoyed this post, be sure to check out some of my favorite beauty posts.
Kristi, as a woman who is in recovery from breast cancer, I work daily on feeling beautiful. These thoughts help me a lot. I never really thought of breakfast helping, but now that I do think about it, I believe it. Dancing in the kitchen with some good music helps me. Thanks for sharing these thoughts.
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Congrats on recovering from breast cancer! That’s HUGE! Feeling beautiful isn’t always easy but we deserve it.