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June 2017 Traffic & Income Report

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I’ve decided that I want to start taking this blogging thing seriously-ish! Wondering why I say seriously-ish? Well, I don’t have the same goals as other bloggers I personally know. A lot of my blogging buddies want to make blogging a full-time income, they want to retire their husbands and turn their blog into a business.

I’m personally not at that point right now. I have a full-time job and four kids, so I feel like I have enough on my plate. However, I’d love to turn the blog into a very lucrative side hustle. For me, that would mean earning $1,000 to $2,000 per month from passive income (ads & affiliates).

With that said, I’ve decided to publically share my journey to accomplishing my blogging goals!

Blogging income and traffic report for June 2017. Blogging tips & advice

June 2017 Traffic & Income Report

Let’s start with the traffic since without traffic it’s hard to make an income.

Here is the overall view for June:

39,981 total pageviews

32,634 total sessions

74.56% of my traffic came from social media with 93.13% of that being Pinterest.

11.15% of my traffic came from direct traffic

9.44% of my traffic came from organic search. I’m working to increase this by working through this workbook.

.03% of my traffic came from other

My top five posts for June were:

Books All Couples Should Read which brought in 27.51% of my traffic.

Root Beer Float Martini which brought in 4.56% of my traffic.

52 Weeks to A Better Marriage which brought in 3.64% of my traffic.

DIY Body Butter which brought in 3.55% of my traffic.

Key Lime Trifle which brought in 3.29% of my traffic.

I posted 15 new posts during the month of June.

Now onto the income!

Note: This is income that has been deposited into my bank account. You’ll also notice that I include VA work into my income reports. I include VA work income because the work I receive is a direct result of my blog.

Sponsored Posts: $400.00

VA & Consulting Work: $405.45

Ad Network: $0 (Switched to Mediavine, 1st payment will come July 15th)

Affiliates: $11.33

Total: $816.78


Adobe Creative Cloud: $9.99

Dropbox: $9.99

Boardbooster: $10

Microsoft: $9.99

Hosting: $15.00

Tailwind: $99 *Note, this is a one-year subscription and not included in this months expenses

Total: $54.97

After expenses: $761.81 which breaks down to about $12.69 an hour working 15 hours a week. Not the best hourly wage here in California but I’m home with my kids. I’ll take it!

Goals for July:

  1. Update 40 posts.
  2. Read through this book and implement all the amazing strategies. Keep an eye out for my full review on the book!
  3. Increase my page views by 20%.
  4. Work on my Tailwind tribes as I’ve seen a big increase in my Pinterest traffic from tribes.
  5. Have my coaching goal and set up 12-week goals.
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