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52 Weeks to A Better Marriage

Marriage is probably one of the hardest things you will ever do in your entire life. Marriage teaches you how to be selfless, love unconditionally, compromise and so much more. You really don’t expect marriage to be as hard as it is yet it’s so rewarding at the same time. This series is going focus on helping you better your marriage.

Let’s be honest no-one has a perfect marriage. Perfect marriages only exist in movies and books. In order to have a better marriage, you have to work at it. Every single day!

Are you looking to better your marriage? Marriage is something that requires nurturing and will require you to work at it every day. This series helps you create the best marriage possible.


Better Your Marriage

All of the posts below are intended to help me grow within my own marriage and help you grow in yours. I don’t claim to have a perfect marriage in fact I face struggles in my marriage every day. I try to be as open and honest in every post while still respecting the boundaries of my marriage.

Marriage Tips

Marriage Resources

52 Weeks to A Better Marriage