Have you ever sat and thought to yourself “when is the last time I had sex with my husband?” or better yet has he ever asked you that question?
If you can answer yes to either of those questions, you aren’t alone! Some couples can go months without having any intimate time. Most couples don’t do this on purpose, it’s just life gets crazy! Between work, keeping up on the house, shuffling kids back and forth between extra-curricular activities life just gets a bit hectic. I’m sure we can all relate to those nights when you get in bed and fall asleep the minute your head hits the pillow.
I’m sure we also all know how important it is to have that intimate time with our spouse. It’s a time to reconnect as a couple, bond and keep that spark alive.
Sometimes we forget that our marriage should be priority #1! I know I’m just as guilty of this as the next person.
So if we know that we aren’t making enough time for intimacy in our relationship – why not schedule it? I know it sounds crazy right!?
You’re probably saying to yourself “you seriously want me to pencil my spouse in on the calendar” and the answer is yes I do!
Sit down with your spouse and come up with a time that every week you can dedicate to each other. Nothing and I mean NOTHING should come in-between this time! A lack of intimacy in any marriage will lead up to frustration, resentment and possibly divorce.
Now, this isn’t to say you shouldn’t have spontaneity in your marriage because you definitely should! However, having something on the schedule ensures that at least once a week there will be some much needed intimate time.
Do you agree that you should schedule intimate time with your spouse? Let me know in the comments!
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