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How to Make Chores Fun for Kids

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I have three kids in my home and let me tell you chore time can be a nightmare! All three of my children are pretty far apart in age, yet they have always enjoyed putting up a fight when it comes to doing their chores.

I end up yelling or just downright frustrated. I finally realized that I need to start making chore time fun, even for my teen.

Chores are a hot topic for every family. You have to decide your chores for kids by age, get them to do the chores and decide if you should pay them allowance. Make chore time easier for you and the kids with these 5 tips on making chores fun for kids!


How to Make Chores Fun for Kids

Divide the chores up by what the child enjoys doing. I don’t know about you, but I hate laundry! Getting me to do laundry is like pulling teeth, which is why my husband does 80% of the laundry in our home. Your child might not enjoy washing dishes but maybe he loves to fold laundry and your daughter loves to do dishes. Ask your child what chores he or she enjoys. You might be surprised at what a difference it makes if your child is doing chores he or she enjoys.

Make it a game! Try hiding prizes (stickers, candy, extra-time cards for electronics or even a dollar or two for teens) and as they clean the house they’ll find special little treats. The kids will be so eager to clean the whole house!

Turn on the music and dance! Dancing and listening to good music while cleaning always makes it more fun. Instead of spending an hour fighting with your children about doing chores, turn on some music and make it a cleaning dance party. The kids will have a blast and mom will have a big smile. It’s a win for everyone.

Make sure your children know what you expect. Kids will often put up a fight when it comes to their chores because they truly don’t know how to do what’s being asked of them. Each time you give your child a new chore, make sure you show them how to do the chore properly. If your child knows what they are supposed to do, they’ll put up less of a fight.

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