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Why I Chose Weight Watchers

There are a TON of diets out there and picking the one that works for you isn’t always easy. For me, Weight Watchers was hands down the best choice. 

Does Weight Watchers really work? Weight Watchers, Weight Watcher meal plan

I don’t have a ton of weight to lose so I wanted to ensure whatever program I selected would help me keep the weight off long term. 

I’m 5’2 and I currently weight 150 pounds. My entire life I’ve been around 105 pounds. I was SUPER tiny! 

My goal is not to be at 105 pounds but I’d love to be around 120 pounds which is a healthy weight for me. 

So why Weight Watchers?

It’s not a diet.

This was a huge one for me because I’m not great at diets. I’ve seen a lot of my friends have amazing success with Keto, Low-Carb, Whole 30 and other diets. 

Following a strict diet just isn’t something that works for my lifestyle. When I start to feel restricted, I give up and eat ALL the things. 

Weight Watchers is a lifestyle and it’s something you can do forever. I also love that I don’t have to cook separate meals for my family. 

We still eat a lot of our favorite meals, I just find creative ways to make them healthier. We still snack but instead of loading the pantry with potato chips and other junk food, we now have healthier options. 

That’s not only a win for me but for the whole family. 

I can eat what I want.

I touched on this a bit above but it’s so true. You can really eat what you want. You do learn portion control but if you want to enjoy chips, have at it. 

When you sign up for Weight Watchers, you enter in some personal information in regards to your height, weight, etc and Weight Watchers tells you how many points you can have per day ( I get 23). As long as you stay within your daily points (you also have weekly points available) you can eat what you want. 

Ashley Tracks Points had a great analogy on her Instagram story (go follow her). She said Weight Watchers is just like spending money. Yes, you can go splurge on a $2,000 purse or you can go to Target and buy a more affordable purse that really does the same thing. 

The same is true with your Weight Watcher points. You could spend 15 points on a small bag of Dorito’s or you can spend  3 points on 57 pretzel sticks. 

It works! 

Weight Watchers has been around for 50 years! It works but it’s not a magic formula. You have to be committed and ready to make the change.

You can lie to your point tracker all day but you won’t see changes. 

Weight Watchers is designed to help you have long-term success. You won’t lose 20 pounds in a week, it’s a slow weight loss for most people but it’s made to be sustainable. 

Tracking is easy.

I know a lot of people get worried about tracking their points. I’m here to tell you that tracking is sooooo easy! 

As a member, you have a website you can log into to track your points. However, they also have an amazing app where you can track on the gone. 

Even better, you can scan your food labels and the app will track your points. I always use the app!

One of my favorite things about the app is the scanner. While I’m out grocery shopping, I scan so many things to ensure I’m making good buying decisions. 

Setting good a good example for my daughter. 

Last but most definitely not least, I want to be a good example for my daughter. 

My daughter is 10 years old and starting to come into an age where body image is a big deal. I never want her to see mom dieting all of the time. I want her to see mom healthy and happy. 

I never want to tell my daughter that I can’t enjoy an ice cream with her because mom is on a diet again. I want to teach her (and my boys) that it’s ok to treat yourself but you have to have a healthy balanced diet. 

When I’m making healthy food choices my kids are more likely to follow my lead. 

Curious about joining Weight Watchers? Here's what you need to know about Weight Watchers

So what does a typical day look like for me?

 I know a lot of people wonder what you eat on Weight Watchers and as I mentioned above that’s 100% up to you! 

Here is a sample of my day. Remember this changes daily.


Scrambled eggs with salsa + 2 slices of turkey bacon


Apple + pretzels


Flatout wrap with sliced turkey, laughing cow cheese, a slice of avocado + a hard-boiled egg (sometimes fruit as well)


1 cup unsweetened cold brew mixed with a Premiere Caramel Protein drink. 


Grilled chicken breast, green beans, salad with light dressing + 1/2 a baked potato. 


Weight Watcher Strawberry Cheesecake (so good)

Pretzels, Skinny Popcorn or any other low point options I have in the house.

I’m a big snacker at night, so sometimes this is where I use a lot of my points.

The options you have available while on Weight Watchers really is unlimited! Make healthy choices and don’t forget to treat yourself as well. 

Gluten Free Brownie Donuts
Weekly Weight Watchers Meal Plan (smart points included). Weight Watchers recipe, Weight Watchers food ideas.
Weight Watchers Meal Plan Week One