I’ve decided to start sharing my traffic and income as I find it motivating for bloggers as well as myself. Last February, I took a blogging break due to my pregnancy. I’ve just gotten back into my blog again and my traffic has taken a HUGE nose dive! When I was actively working on my site, it was growing every single day. At one point I was getting close to 50k page views a month. Needless to say, I now feel like I’m starting from scratch all over again.
I hope you find these reports inspiring. I’ll be sharing not only my traffic and income but the things I’m doing to try and increase those numbers.
I know one of the big questions is how much time do bloggers actually spend on their blog. Well, this will vary from blogger to blogger but currently, I’m doing this very part-time. I just had my 4th child and my time is pretty limited. I’d say I’m currently spending 10 to 15 hours per week on my blog.
October Traffic & Income Report
Let’s start with the traffic since without traffic it’s hard to make an income.
Here is the overall view for October:
21,878 total pageviews
71.98% of my traffic came from social media with 93.13% of that being Pinterest.
11.15% of my traffic came from direct traffic
9.44% of my traffic came from organic search. I’m working to increase this by working through this workbook.
.03% of my traffic came from other
My top five posts for October were:
Homemade Posole which brought in 18.65% of my traffic.
DIY Body Butter Recipe which brought in 11.15% of my traffic.
Homemade Face Scrub which brought in 6.58% of my traffic.
Caramel Apple Popsicle Craft which brought in 6.44% of my traffic.
52 Weeks to A Better Marriage which brought in 4.54% of my traffic.
I posted 6 number of posts during the month of October.
Now onto the income!
Note: This is income that has been deposited into my bank account. You’ll also notice that I include VA work into my income reports. I include VA work income because the work I receive is a direct result of my blog.
VA & Consulting Work: $561.07
Ad Network: $45.42
Affiliates: $0
Total: $1011.29
Adobe Creative Cloud: $9.99
Ultimate Bundles Blogging Package: $58.20
Dropbox: $9.99
Boardbooster: $10
Microsoft: $9.99
Tailwind: $99 *Note, this is a one-year subscription.
Total: $231.17
After expenses: $780.12 which breaks down to about $13 an hour working 15 hours a week. Not the best hourly wage here in California but I’m home with my kids. I’ll take it!
Social media stats at the end of October:
Facebook – 830
Twitter – 6,487
Instagram – 677
Pinterest – 7,685
Google+ – 1,129
Goals for November:
- Post 10 times during the month of November.
- Read through this book and implement all the amazing strategies. Keep an eye out for my full review on the book!
- Increase my page views by 20%.
- Work on my Tailwind tribes as I’ve seen a big increase in my Pinterest traffic from tribes.
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