The Classy Chapter Too Married for Cosmo...Too Fabulous for Redbook Thu, 09 May 2019 03:28:09 +0000 en-US hourly 1 How to Have A Productive Day Thu, 01 Jun 2017 14:00:11 +0000 Do you struggle with productivity? I know I do! I’m one of those people who love to make lists and plan out my entire day but when it comes to implementing my plan, I fail majorly! Thankfully, I have found a few things that work for me. So, are you ready to find out how...

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Do you struggle with productivity? I know I do! I’m one of those people who love to make lists and plan out my entire day but when it comes to implementing my plan, I fail majorly!

Thankfully, I have found a few things that work for me.

So, are you ready to find out how to have a productive day? I’m going to share my best tips with you!

Increase your productivity with these simple tips. Productivity, blogging tips, working from home

How to Have A Productive Day

Plan A Week In Advance

I used to plan my day the night before but I have found that I do better when I plan my entire week at once. This allows me to space things out and determine what items need to be done sooner in the week. I use the Productivity Planner to plan out my week. You can read all about how I use this planner here. You can also purchase your own Productivity Planner by clicking here.

Complete the Most Important Task First

For the longest time, I’d create a detailed list full of stuff I wanted to accomplish, then I’d look at my list and do the easiest tasks first. By the end of the day, my list had all the easy stuff checked off but not a lot of the important tasks checked off. After reading this book, I realized that I had to get the most important items done first, even if that meant I didn’t do anything else.

Time Block

Time blocking doesn’t work as well for me at this stage of my life since I have an unpredictable 10-month-old. However, there was a time when all the kids were in school and I could time block my day. Time blocking allowed me to always know what I should be working on at any given moment. If you want to read up more on time blocking, check out this awesome book!

Batch Your Work

There are some tasks that I love to work on and others that I’m not a big fan of. I have found that by batching my work, I can knock out a lot at one time. For example, I hate doing laundry so doing it every day would just be torture. Now, I spend one day a week doing all of the laundries and I’m done for the week. I love that once I’m done, I don’t have to think about it for at least another week. You can batch just about any task you have on your list.

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What are your tips for having a productive day? I’d love to hear about them!

If you enjoyed this post, make sure to check out some of my other popular posts!

5 Tools to Increase Productivity

My favorite blogging tools for productivity

5 Blogging Hacks

Save time and get organized with these 5 blogging hacks.

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June 2017 Traffic & Income Report Thu, 01 Jun 2017 07:04:55 +0000 I’ve decided that I want to start taking this blogging thing seriously-ish! Wondering why I say seriously-ish? Well, I don’t have the same goals as other bloggers I personally know. A lot of my blogging buddies want to make blogging a full-time income, they want to retire their husbands and turn their blog into a...

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I’ve decided that I want to start taking this blogging thing seriously-ish! Wondering why I say seriously-ish? Well, I don’t have the same goals as other bloggers I personally know. A lot of my blogging buddies want to make blogging a full-time income, they want to retire their husbands and turn their blog into a business.

I’m personally not at that point right now. I have a full-time job and four kids, so I feel like I have enough on my plate. However, I’d love to turn the blog into a very lucrative side hustle. For me, that would mean earning $1,000 to $2,000 per month from passive income (ads & affiliates).

With that said, I’ve decided to publically share my journey to accomplishing my blogging goals!

Blogging income and traffic report for June 2017. Blogging tips & advice

June 2017 Traffic & Income Report

Let’s start with the traffic since without traffic it’s hard to make an income.

Here is the overall view for June:

39,981 total pageviews

32,634 total sessions

74.56% of my traffic came from social media with 93.13% of that being Pinterest.

11.15% of my traffic came from direct traffic

9.44% of my traffic came from organic search. I’m working to increase this by working through this workbook.

.03% of my traffic came from other

My top five posts for June were:

Books All Couples Should Read which brought in 27.51% of my traffic.

Root Beer Float Martini which brought in 4.56% of my traffic.

52 Weeks to A Better Marriage which brought in 3.64% of my traffic.

DIY Body Butter which brought in 3.55% of my traffic.

Key Lime Trifle which brought in 3.29% of my traffic.

I posted 15 new posts during the month of June.

Now onto the income!

Note: This is income that has been deposited into my bank account. You’ll also notice that I include VA work into my income reports. I include VA work income because the work I receive is a direct result of my blog.

Sponsored Posts: $400.00

VA & Consulting Work: $405.45

Ad Network: $0 (Switched to MediaVine, 1st payment will come July 15th)

Affiliates: $11.33

Total: $816.78


Adobe Creative Cloud: $9.99

Dropbox: $9.99

Boardbooster: $10

Microsoft: $9.99

Hosting: $15.00

Tailwind: $99 *Note, this is a one-year subscription and not included in this months expenses

Total: $54.97

After expenses: $761.81 which breaks down to about $12.69 an hour working 15 hours a week. Not the best hourly wage here in California but I’m home with my kids. I’ll take it!

Goals for July:

  1. Update 40 posts.
  2. Read through this book and implement all the amazing strategies. Keep an eye out for my full review on the book!
  3. Increase my page views by 20%.
  4. Work on my Tailwind tribes as I’ve seen a big increase in my Pinterest traffic from tribes.
  5. Have my coaching goal and set up 12-week goals.

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7 Ways to Make Money Online Wed, 18 Jan 2017 15:00:53 +0000 Are you looking to earn a little extra cash? There are so man different ways to earn a full and part-time income online. Today, I’m sharing 7 ways to make money online! Ways To Make Money Online 1. If you have a special talent like sewing, creating t-shirts, graphic design or any other handmade service...

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Are you looking to earn a little extra cash? There are so man different ways to earn a full and part-time income online. Today, I’m sharing 7 ways to make money online!

Need to make some extra money? Here some easy ways to make money online

Ways To Make Money Online

1. If you have a special talent like sewing, creating t-shirts, graphic design or any other handmade service you might want to start an Etsy shop. There are so many different types of things you could make and sale on Etsy, take some time to browse around the current shops.

2. Download a grocery app like Ibotta. Ibotta offers rebates on items that you are probably already purchasing for your home. Once you’ve earned at least $20 you can cash out directly to PayPal. Ibotta won’t make you rich but it’s a nice way to earn a little extra cash. Sign up here.

3. Start a blog! Now, before you run off and start a blog let me tell you that blogging is not easy by any means. You also won’t start making money right away. You’ll need to spend a lot of time writing content, creating images, engaging with your readers on social media and much more! However, you can make money from blogging! If you want to start a blog head over here and find a domain name and then head over here to set up your hosting.

4. Other way to make money from home is by working at an online call center! Plenty of major companies hire people to work from home including Apple, American Express and much more! One awesome place to apply is Working Solutions, I personally worked there for several of years.

5. If you love to write then check out the writing gigs over at TextBroker.

6. One of my favorite ways to earn a little extra cash is through InBox Dollars. Simply create an account and start earning money! You can earn money by reading emails they send you, taking surveys and much more.

7. ClickWorker offers up small tasks in return for a small paycheck but every penny adds up.

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5 Advantages of Working from Home Thu, 02 Apr 2015 02:04:07 +0000 There’s always the argument of whether or not working from home is really “something great.” I have to admit that working from home isn’t for everyone, however, there are some true advantages to working from home and I wanted to share those with you! #1. You Make the Shots Okay, there are some jobs that...

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There’s always the argument of whether or not working from home is really “something great.” I have to admit that working from home isn’t for everyone, however, there are some true advantages to working from home and I wanted to share those with you!

5 advantages of working from home

#1. You Make the Shots

Okay, there are some jobs that don’t allow you to make the shots, but for the most part, working from home allows you to “make the shots.” You get to decide when, where, what, and how you will make a living working from home. Of course, not everyone will always agree with us. So, in order to make money, you do have to conform to some standards of society.

#2. More Time for Family

I’ve worked from home for almost five years and I have gotten to certain points where I was too busy for my family. However, I called the shots on that one. I chose to not spend time with my family, but instead work. When you work from home, you truly do get more time for family. However, the choice lies in your hands.

#3. Opportunity to Make More Money

When you work a 9-5 job, what you make every week is pretty standard for the most part. What I love most about working from home is the potential to make more money. I like to think that working from home has unlimited earning potential because there are so many opportunities available.

#4. Freedom to Create Your Own Schedule

There’s nothing in the world that feels like being able to create your own work schedule. Although it takes a while to create a work schedule that works best for you, it’s so worth it. The freedom to create time slots for when you want to work is irreplaceable.

#5. Diving Into Your Passion

Writing is my passion and it has been for quite some time. Working from home gives me time to dive into my passion even more. If I was “working” for someone else, I wouldn’t have time to put my passion into action. It also helps that my passion helps earn me money.

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What are some ways you benefit from working from home?

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How to Avoid a Work at Home Scam Wed, 18 Mar 2015 04:10:23 +0000 I started working at home nearly five years ago and back then work at home scams were everywhere. I have not ran into a work at home scam in a while, but I’m attributing that to the fact that maybe I am more aware of what to look for. Since there’s always someone out there...

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I started working at home nearly five years ago and back then work at home scams were everywhere. I have not ran into a work at home scam in a while, but I’m attributing that to the fact that maybe I am more aware of what to look for. Since there’s always someone out there that wants to take you and your money down, please pay attention to these tips for avoiding a work at home scam.

Working from home is rewarding but finding the perfect job comes with risks. Here are tips to help you avoid a work at home scam.

#1. Never Pay Money to Someone Else to Get Work

As a veteran in the work at home field I have NEVER paid someone else to receive work. I’m not talking about direct sales, this is a whole different story. If someone contacts you and asks you to pay money and they will give you a work at home, this makes no sense and you should run in the other direction.

#2. Always Ask for a Second Opinion

I’ve never been afraid to ask a friend what they thought of a certain work at home situation. It’s always nice to hear their opinion. Asking for a second opinion is a smart move when it comes to whether or not a work at home job is legit.

#3. Go with Your Gut

At the start of my work at home career I was so desperate to find work that I would ignore my gut. Now when I don’t feel like something is going to go well, I let the opportunity pass. Intuition is a very important part of working from home, make sure you use it wisely.

#4. Test the Legitimacy of It

Back in the day, I was afraid I would hurt someone’s feelings if I asked too many questions. I’ve learned that a person who is legitimate will have no problem answering your questions and easing your mind. Also, don’t be afraid to search out complaints against a certain company if it sounds too good to be true. Forums like are great for seeing what others have to say about companies or individuals.

#5. Stay in the Game

I believe it’s easier to get scammed when you aren’t as involved. If you are wishy washy about working from home and only dabble in it now and again, it’s easier to get scammed. Get out there and get network and know what’s going on in the work at home world. Honestly, it’s like one big office and information gets around quickly (whether it’s good or bad).

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What are some tips you have for others trying to avoid a work at home scam?

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How to Create the Perfect Work at Home Schedule Tue, 10 Feb 2015 14:00:46 +0000 When I started working at home nearly five years ago I tried hard to find a schedule that made sense. I worked at home with little ones, so I was always fiddling around with what I thought was the perfect schedule. Although it took me a lot of trial and error I finally nailed down...

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When I started working at home nearly five years ago I tried hard to find a schedule that made sense. I worked at home with little ones, so I was always fiddling around with what I thought was the perfect schedule. Although it took me a lot of trial and error I finally nailed down what works for our family. Now we have 3.5 kids later and the schedule still seems to work like a charm.

Working from home isn't easy and finding a good schedule is even harder! These tips will get you on the right track.

Creating the Perfect Work at Home Schedule

#1. Early Morning

I discovered that working in the early morning helped me to get going for the day. I only spend about an hour in the mornings working, but it really helps me to get ahead for the day. I tend to rise about 5 or 6 and work until my oldest son needs to be woken up for school. Back in the day I used to work until 1 or 2 AM and then I was a zombie all day.

#2. Afternoon Nap Time

This isn’t always a guaranteed work time because kids don’t always nap when you want them too. However, if they do nap it’s an awesome amount of working time. I try to get my most complex projects done in that time period. It’s the time I’m most awake and most focused, so naturally it’s the most productive of all my work times.

#3. Night Time

I’m blessed enough most days to have enough work to keep me busy all day long. I give myself an option to work after the kids go to bed because I love my job and love that my kids typically go down for bed without a fight. I can typically get lots of work done in this time period.

It’s ironic that I have finally nailed down a schedule for working at home in 2015. All thanks to a part time job I took outside of the home, my time was very sacred, so I had to schedule in when I would work. Now that I’m down to working at home all the time, this schedule works great for me.

I’m also careful about what type of deadlines I promise people. I can’t sit at a desk all day and return items within the hour. I try to get reasonable deadlines so that I can stick to my schedule. I’ve also gotten realistic about expectations for myself. I simply can’t get everything done in one day, although I’d love to. When you work from home, you have to learn how to time manage and prioritize.

The bottom line is that being self-employed gives you the power to create your own schedule, for the most part. Do what works best for you and not for others, you won’t regret it in the long run. (Keep in mind that some work at home jobs force you to have a set schedule and that’s way different than my situation).

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What does your work at home schedule look like?

If you enjoyed this post make sure to check out the post below:

5 tips for work at home moms5 Tips for Work at Home Moms


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5 Tips for New Work at Home Moms Wed, 04 Feb 2015 05:00:48 +0000 Working at home takes a lot of adjustment for the whole family. Sometimes you just need a few good tips to help you through the situation. Check out these 5 tips for new work at home moms.  5 Tips for New Work at Home Moms #1. You can’t do it all. I learned a long...

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Working at home takes a lot of adjustment for the whole family. Sometimes you just need a few good tips to help you through the situation. Check out these 5 tips for new work at home moms.

If you work from home you'll want to read these tips. Love #3!

 5 Tips for New Work at Home Moms

#1. You can’t do it all.

I learned a long time ago that you simply cannot do it all. You can’t have happy kids, a clean house, and happy clients. Unless you hire someone to clean your house and who wouldn’t love that? Keep a daily reminder close by to remind you of this life lesson.

#2. Create a Schedule

Way back when I first started working from home I learned that I needed to create a schedule. Now I only work when the kids are sleeping. I often get asked if I’m sleep deprived. Why, yes I am. However, it helps me keep my sanity by not having to balance everything during the day.

#3. Know Your Worth

When I first started working from home I worked for very low wages. I couldn’t find clients that saw my worth because I didn’t know my worth. My best advice to you is to know exactly what you’re worth, so you can start off on the right foot from the beginning.

#4. Never Stop Marketing

This was one piece of advice that I learned from the very beginning. Even when you think you have enough clients, never stop marketing. You can always let the lower paying clients go. It’s nice to have a choice in who you’re working with.

#5. Never Sacrifice Your Family

You will have many jobs and a lot of pressure that comes with those jobs. My best advice is to never sacrifice your family for those jobs. You can’t ever get that time with your family back.

Working from home isn’t for those who give up easily. You will come head to head with a lot of challenges. If you’re ready to take the leap into the work at home life, make sure you follow these tips. Also, stay tuned for many more tips coming your way!

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For more work at home tips, make sure to check out the post below on 6 Things WAH Moms Want You to Know.

work from home6 Things WAHM’s Want You to Know


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6 Things Work at Home Moms Want You to Know Tue, 16 Dec 2014 18:00:00 +0000 I have been working from home for the past ten years and it hasn’t always been the easiest road. Thankfully, the majority of people in my life fully support me, but I know not all work at home moms get that same support! Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of dumb uninformed statements and...

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I have been working from home for the past ten years and it hasn’t always been the easiest road. Thankfully, the majority of people in my life fully support me, but I know not all work at home moms get that same support!

Over the years, I’ve heard a lot of dumb uninformed statements and so many misconceptions of work at home moms.

A must read for anyone who things WAHM's don't really work. Number 2 is spot on!

6 Things Work at Home Moms Want You to Know

1. Yes, we really do work! Just because we are not in a traditional office doesn’t make our job any less important.

2. No, we can’t babysit for you, walk your dog while you’re on vacation, wait around for UPS or run any of the other ten errands you had in mind for us. We have to work!

3. Yes, we tend to have a little more flexibility than if we worked in a traditional office. This is what makes working from home so wonderful. We can be there for school pick-up, we can take a quick break to fold the laundry but again we still have to get our job done!

4. Just because we work from home doesn’t mean our kids don’t go to daycare. There are times when we have meetings outside of the home, video calls and deadlines to meet. Some work at home jobs are more demanding than others and might need the kids out of the home in order to fulfill their work duties.

5. No, our kids don’t watch Cartoon Network all day. Some work at home moms don’t send their children to daycare, but that doesn’t mean their kids sit in front of a TV all day. We still interact with our children, make them lunch, play with them AND get our job done!

6. We are really sick and tired of being told to “get a real job”. Just because our job doesn’t meet the definition of your ideal of a “real job” doesn’t mean we don’t work. We really do get a paycheck…maybe even more than yours!

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5 Ways to Make Money From Home Sun, 25 May 2014 14:54:08 +0000 Earning an income from the comfort of your home probably sounds like a dream. I’m here to tell you that you can earn money from home. I’ve been working from home for almost twelve years! I started off doing customer service and freelance writing. Now, I work at home as a campaign manager for an...

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Earning an income from the comfort of your home probably sounds like a dream. I’m here to tell you that you can earn money from home.

I’ve been working from home for almost twelve years! I started off doing customer service and freelance writing. Now, I work at home as a campaign manager for an influencer network.

There are several companies that hire people from home for both full-time and part-time work.

With that said, you do have to be careful when looking for online jobs as there are scams out there.

Are you looking to work from home? Making money from home is a legitimate way to earn some extra income. This list includes non phone job ideas, online job ideas and much more.


How to Make Money From Home

Working from home is never an easy task when first starting out. But with a little practice and patience, you can really build your own business empire. The type of work at home we’re talking about here is neither the multi-level-marketing nor the sales business. There are several avenues you can take to become a work at home king or queen.

1. Customer Service Jobs – There are so many customer service jobs that you can do from home. One of my favorite companies is Working Solutions. They have contracts with several major companies. I worked for Working Solutions for two years and it was a great company to work for.

2. Write Articles – If you have a knack for writing you might want to try writing articles as a way. You can trying signing up for

3. Start a Blog – Seriously, it’s a great option if you want to make some extra money without working for someone else. You can check out my blogging resources here.

make money from home

4. Virtual Assisting – Working as a Virtual Assistant is an awesome job! You get to work with some great people and you always have new tasks to work on. You can get started by applying at FancyHands.

5. Etsy – Are you crafty? If so you should consider opening up your own store on Etsy.

Even more resources for you!

Increase your productivity with these simple tips. Productivity, blogging tips, working from home Need to make some extra money? Here some easy ways to make money online Do you struggle with setting goals and getting organized? Follow these tips to set realistic and obtainable goals. Save time and get organized with these 5 blogging hacks. My favorite blogging tools for productivity Do you want to be a better blogger? It's a blogging goal we all have! Find out what might be holding you back from becoming a better blogger.

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