The post Best Books To Read While Pregnant appeared first on The Classy Chapter.
]]>I’m on my 4th pregnancy and I still love a great pregnancy book to reference during my pregnancy.
Yes, I know there are plenty of free resources and apps out there but there is just something about a book in my hand. Not to mention, it’s good to get some non-screen time in our day.
I’ve put together some of the best books to read while pregnant!
What to Expect When You’re Expecting this book has been around for as long as I can remember. I had my first child 21 years ago and I had this book in my hand. It’s full of awesome knowledge and thankfully it has been updated with the newest information.
Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy another great book with lots of information. I really like that it’s written by a very trusted source. You can feel good referencing the information in this book.
The Expectant Father is your husband freaking out about your pregnancy? Or maybe he just needs to brush up on his daddy skills? This is a great book for dads.
He can also read my post on how to be a supportive husband during pregnancy.
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What to Eat When You Are Pregnant we all know how important our diet is during pregnancy. Yes, you’ll probably get cravings for some things that aren’t so healthy and that’s fine. However, this book will help keep your diet on track overall. I love seeing all the recipes and ideas for things to eat. It’s been a blessing to have.
Belly Laughs what can I say this book is hilarious. Seriously, check it out! This book doesn’t hold back and tells you how pregnancy really is.
Get Fit For Your Pregnancy I will be honest here and say that I have not read this book but it gets great reviews. I’ve never been a big fitness person so this book just hasn’t been on my list.
If you plan on breastfeeding, I highly suggest you check out this book! Nursing is hard work and this book has came in handy more times than I can count.
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Do you have a favorite pregnancy book? Tell me in the comments!
If you enjoyed this post, make sure to check out some of my other popular posts.
20 Non-Alcoholic Baby Shower Drinks
Your Complete Guide to Nutrition During Pregnancy
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]]>The post Homemade Piggy Bank Ideas for Kids appeared first on The Classy Chapter.
]]>This craft is fun and teaches your kids how to save money. You can get creative with the patterns and colors used on the piggy banks. Use your kids favorite colors and designs.
What’s Needed
First, cut each piece of design paper to the size of each container to wrap around it.
Wrap the paper around each container and glue down the edge.
With your scissors, cut a small rectangular hole in each plastic lid, large enough to fit coins into.
Cut small round pieces of the design paper out to fit onto each plastic lid, glue on each lid, and cut through the paper to make an opening where your hole is in the lid.
Now cut 3 rectangle size shapes out of the colored cardstock paper. Make sizes of your choice based on each container size.
Using the letter stickers, spell out the words: Save, Spend, Give. Put one word on each rectangle paper.
Glue each word paper to a container of your choice.
Just snap the lids on and you’re ready to start filling with money! Great way to teach kids money handling skills!
Make sure to check out Craftsy for more fun crafts!
Check out my other popular posts!
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]]>The post Chores For Kids: Appropriate Chores For Every Age appeared first on The Classy Chapter.
]]>One thing to keep in mind is assigning your kids chores that are age-appropriate. This post will help you learn what tasks your children can and should be able to do no matter what age they are.
Tips For Getting Kids to do Chores
Now before we start looking at the different chores your children can do at various ages, let’s tackle the hardest part about chores.
Getting them to actually do them!
Getting kids to take on chores can be a struggle when you first start assigning them, especially if your kids are older. The key here is to not give up and do it yourself! Your family is a team and everyone on the team should pitch in and help each other out.
Remain Consistent
Consistency is key when getting your kids to do their chores. Do not do their chores for them! If you’ve asked your child to complete a chore, do not turn around and finish it for them. The chores should stay untouched until your child has completed it. Make sure you have consequences in place if the children do not complete their chores. I have found that by telling my kids no screen time until the chores are completed has helped ensure they get done.
Start Chores at a Young Age
A big mistake that a lot of parents make (myself included) is not starting chores early enough. Yes, even a child as young as 2 or 3 can start doing simple chores. Start your kids young and I promise it will make getting chores done so much easier when they are preteens and teens!
Don’t Worry About Being Perfect
Let me tell you, my son is twenty and still doesn’t do his chores perfectly. Perfection just isn’t going to happen. No-one is ever going to do the job the exact way we want it. The point here is that the effort is put in. Sometimes you might have to redo something that they do and that’s ok! If there is food stuck on the dishes then, by all means, get those dishes clean. However, if they don’t fold the laundry just so, try to just let it go. Try not to judge your children as we don’t want to discourage them from doing their chores.
Keep Praising Your Child
When my children do chores, I want them to know that I recognize their effort. Even if they don’t do the best job, I still give them praise. Even better, if they do a chore without asking, I mark it down on their chore chart and do something special for them at the end of the week. They might get extra screen time, an extra treat or sometimes even a few extra bucks!
Consider Offering an Allowance
Now I know everyone has their own views on this but a lot of parents find that giving their children an allowance works great! It’s really going to be a personal choice based upon what works for your family. There is no right or wrong answer but it’s something think about.
I do expect my tween and teen to manage the money they receive from doing chores. Meaning they are expected to pay for their “extra” activities like buying snacks at the store with their friends, movies, video games, etc.
Chores For Younger Children
Once your child is between 2 to 3 years old, they are usually old enough to do simple chores. It’s a great age to get them used to helping around the house. Most chores you’ll have to do with them but it’s still a great learning experience for them.
Two and Three Year-Olds
I will typically have my younger children pick up their toys when they are done playing with them. This gets them used to picking up after themselves and sets expectations as they get older. I also have the younger kids help with simple things like feeding the pets, cleaning up food messes and even laundry! Now all of this is done with a lot of help from me but it still gets them involved in the process.
Four and Five Year-Olds
Once the kids get a little older, they can start doing more chores on their own. At this age kids should be able to make their bed, clean up their bedroom, help put dishes away (no knives), watering plants and even helping me put groceries away. This is a fun age to get kids involved in chores as they still see it as a fun job.
What School-Aged Children Can Do
Once your kids are in 1st or 2nd grade, they should be pretty comfortable helping around the house. They should now be able to do a lot of the chores they’ve already been doing with little to no supervision. Remember they still won’t be doing their chores perfectly and that’s ok! Let your children make mistakes and learn how to do things on their own.
Six and Seven Year-Olds
Your children a little older now and can start to take on even more responsibility. Here are a few more things your children can start helping with:
* Writing thank-you notes
* Vacuuming, sweeping, and mopping
* Taking out the trash, with your supervision
* Folding and putting away laundry
* More food prep, with your supervision
* Cleaning up their room
Ages 8-10
I find that this is the age when you really start to notice a difference with your children and chores. They are getting better at perfecting their chores and by now they really know what is expected of them. It’s also a great time to start adding in some new chores like meal prep, washing dishes, helping clean the car and possibly even additional yard work.
Chores For Your Pre-Teen
By the time your child reaches their pre-teen stage, which is between 11 and 12 years old, they are doing many things on their own. Your child can now start doing laundry on their own. Of course, you will probably have to supervise a few times to ensure they are using the right settings and the right amount of soap. You don’t want to flood the house!
Pre-teens can also do the following things themselves:
* Dust wood furniture
* Vacuum and mop all rooms
* Change light bulbs
* Change their bed sheets
* Do more yard work, such as pulling weeds or mowing the lawn
* Preparing simple family meals
* Cleaning windows and mirrors
* Doing the dishes without help
Teenager Chore Responsibilities
This is the time when you are really starting to prepare your child for adulthood. This is the time when we want to teach our children as many life skills as possible. Before long they’ll be leaving the nest and we want to make sure they are as prepared as possible
Ages 13 – 15
For your 13 to 15 year-olds, you want to start introducing skills that they will carry with them for life. You’ll probably want to start adding in some additional household duties. At this age, they should be able to replace the bag in the vacuum cleaner, iron their clothes, mow the lawn, and possibly even doing some minor repairs around the house.
Your son or daughter will probably be able to prepare more elaborate meals from recipes and even make the weekly grocery list.
Babysitting is also a great thing to have your children start doing. They can even do this in your own home under your supervision until you are comfortable with them babysitting on their own.
These are life skills that help your teens take care of themselves.
16 and Up
By the time your son or daughter is 16 or 17, they should be doing everything above and more! They should be able to clean out the fridge, do any housework, yard work, wash cars and if they are driving they can run errands.
This is also a great age to start adding in some financial budgeting. Set your child up with a bank account if they don’t already have one. They should be able to budget their own money. You can even have your child help you with paying bills at this age.
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Make sure to check out my other popular posts!
How to Make Chores Fun for Kids
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]]>The post To The Mom Who Is Fighting For Her Child’s Life appeared first on The Classy Chapter.
]]>It wasn’t until I was watching the local news and the top story was a mom that left her newborn child to starve. As a mom of four kids, it made me sob like crazy. I mean who does that to their child? What kind of mother does this?
After the news headlined this horrible story, I saw a Facebook post regarding Charlie.
Something made me click on the story. Maybe I just needed to hear something a bit more positive after hearing about what happened to the other baby.
When I clicked on the news article related to Charlie what really caught my attention was the negative comments.
People were saying that you and your husband are cruel for letting your child continue “living” as they put it. People said that you were playing God with your child’s life.
But you know what I thought when I read Charlie’s story?
I see two parents who are fighting for their child.
I thought about how lucky Charlie is to have such amazing parents that will do ANYTHING in their power to give their child a chance at life.
I can’t imagine the heartache you are facing. I sit here staring at my healthy 12-month-old son and I can’t imagine being told that I’m not allowed to fight for him. I can’t imagine hospitals, insurance companies, and doctors telling me as a mom that I can’t decide what is best for my son. I would fight with every last breath in me for my children.
Since when does a hospital get to decide who lives or dies? Why should a hospital get to decide who lives and who dies?
Why should a hospital be able to tell a parent that they have to pull the plug on their child?
I see a little boy who has so much love.
I see a mom and dad who are strong, brave and determined!
Your story is what I want to see more of in the news. I want to see fewer news segments and articles about parents who don’t give a damn about their kids. I want to see more stories about parents like you that fight for their kids.
I want to see more stories about parents like you that fight for their kids.
I challenge everyone that had negative comments about you to step back and think about what you are really doing for Charlie.
Are you being cruel and selfish?
No, you are strong, brave and teaching the world not to take no for an answer.
You are teaching other parents that it’s ok to fight for their children. You are teaching the world that just maybe hospitals, doctors, and insurance companies don’t always know best. You are teaching the world that your sons life matters.
You are teaching parents around the world that we need to enjoy every single second we have with our children.
Are you playing God with your son’s life?
Maybe? But isn’t everyone playing God to some degree? The medical community plays God every day with life-saving treatments. What’s wrong with making sure you have exhausted all options?
My heart would be ripped into pieces if I wasn’t allowed to take advantage of every single treatment available to my child. I wouldn’t be able to live with myself knowing there was even the smallest chance he could have survived.
My first born was airlifted to Univerisity of San Francisco due to life threatening breathing problems. Without the intervention, we received my son wouldn’t be here today. Does that mean we played God with his life? No, we used the technology available to use to save his life.
I want you to know that there are plenty of people around the world that feel your strength.
I know that sometimes as parents (moms especially) we need to hear that we are doing a good job. Sometimes we even feel like we need permission to make the decisions we are making.
From one mom to another, please continue fighting for Charlie.
Please show the world what it looks like to fight for our children.
Know that no matter what happens to Charlie, you are one rockstar of a mom!
Please continue fighting because you are teaching the world not to expect no from the medical community.
I want you to know that there are so many little babies around the world that wish they had someone like you fighting for them.
From one mom to another, keep fighting for Charlie!
Update: I just read that you have stopped the fight for Charlie. I know this was probably the hardest decision you’ve ever had to make. I know that the hospital and insurance company did not make it easy for you to continue the fight for Charlie. I’m so saddened that the doctors aren’t letting you bring Charlie home. It makes me sick that Charlie has been treated like a financial burden and not like a human. Please know that moms around the world are hugging their babies a little tighter tonight because of you and Charlie.
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]]>The post 5 Ways to Keep Your Child Athlete Cool During the Summer Heat appeared first on The Classy Chapter.
]]>As many of you know, my 12-year-old son has been playing youth football since he was six! He LOVES football, which in turn has made me love football. Yes, on occasion I still worry about him getting injured but I know his team has provided him with the proper safety gear.
You know what my biggest worry is when it comes to him playing football?
The heat! Here in the Sacramento Valley temps can easily reach 100+ degrees! Now combine that heat with all the padding he wears and the artificial turf he is usually playing on and you can easily see why I get scared of the heat.
Hydrate Hydrate Hydrate!
I seriously can NOT say how important it is to keep you child hydrated. I’ve seen so many children get pulled off the field due to heat related issues. The key to staying hydrated isn’t to just drink water when they are active on the field. They need to drink water all day long! Now, I’m not suggesting children drink an absurd amount of water, just enough to stay hydrated.
Opt For A Sports Drink
Before you run out and buy your child sports drinks, keep in mind that not all drinks are made equally. There are some popular sports drinks in the market that I won’t let my son have due to the sugar content. With that said we love BodyArmor!
BODYARMOR is a premium sports drink with potassium-packed electrolytes, coconut water and vitamins and has no artificial flavors or sweeteners. I knew my son would love this drink but I wasn’t sure how I’d feel about it. Every single flavor is absolutely delicious – seriously impressed!
BODYARMOR provides superior hydration and comes in 9-great tasting flavors: fruit punch, orange mango, strawberry banana, tropical punch, blackout berry, mixed berry, grape, watermelon strawberry and lemonade. I have to say that the Watermelon Strawberry is my favorite!
My son loves the lemonade! He drank it so quick, he spilt it on his shirt!
I love it as an alternative to traditional sports drinks, because it contains no artificial flavors or sweeteners and has potassium-packed electrolytes, vitamins and coconut water. There is also natural flavors and sweeteners and no colors from artificial sources.
Find out more about BODYARMOR by clicking here.. You can also grab your coupon here! Check out Safeway, Target, Lucky’s and Raley’s to pick up BODYARMOR!
Keep Ice Towels on Hand
There are times when it’s just blazing hot outside and you need quick relief. I will often bring an ice chest full of wash rags. The boys love grabbing them and putting them on their neck. It provides quick relief from the heat.
Make Sure There Is Shade
When the boys aren’t on the field they are sitting on the sidelines waiting to be called in. There typically isn’t any shade on the sidelines which makes for a very hot day! Talk to the coach about providing some sun shades for the boys. Most of the time the coaches are totally fine with parents bringing sun shades
Supply Healthy Snacks
When my son is playing in the heat, I make sure to have healthy snacks on hand. I typically opt for things like apples, oranges, plums or watermelon. They keep him full and provide some hydration.
Is your young athlete working to be the best? Check out how your athlete can become the next BODYARMOR athlete here:
What are your tips for keeping your athlete cool during the summer?
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]]>The post Easy Recipes for Teens appeared first on The Classy Chapter.
]]>I’m angry that my kids are goofing off, my husband is watching TV and I’m in the kitchen cooking for THEM!
I know I should feel this way but sometimes I simply can’t help it.
My solution?
I’m going to have my teen cook dinner twice a week. This will allow me to have the break that I’ve so been craving.
The problem? He knows how to make top ramen and french toast sticks. Serious parenting fail on my part.
Easy Chicken Fried Rice from The Classy Chapter
Loaded Steak Nachos from Parenting Chaos
Simple Goulash Recipe from Glue Sticks & Gumdrops
Easy Chicken Pasta Bake from The Classy Chapter
Sausage Onion & Potato Sheet Pan Dinner from Wondermom Wannabe
No Mess Sloppy Joe’s from Parenting Chaos
Chicken & Artichoke Panini Sandwich from The Classy Chapter
Peanut Butter & Jelly Quesadilla from My Stay At Home Adventures
Microwave Shrimp Primavera from Wondermom Wannabe
Pancake Pizzas from Happiness is Homemade
30-Minute Chicken Pad Thai from The Classy Chapter
Easy Homemade Hamburger Helper from Glue Sticks & Gumdrops
Easy Fajita Chicken Bake from The Pinning Mama
Chicken Bacon & Green Bean Skillet from The Classy Chapter
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10 Things Your Daughter Should Know Before Her First Date
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]]>The post Summer Activities for Toddlers appeared first on The Classy Chapter.
]]>These activities are perfect for those of us with toddlers at home.
The best part is these activities are affordable, some even free!
Take A Tour Of A Local Factory
You might be surprised at how many factories offer free tours to the public. Try doing a quick good search “factory tours in city name area” to see what’s available. In my area, I was able to quickly see that The Jelly Bean Factory and Dryer’s Ice Cream offer factory tours. So cool!
Check Out The Library
Most local libraries offer a great selection of summer programs. It’s a great way to beat the heat and it’s free!
Go To A Local Splash Pad
I love taking my kids to the park but sometimes it simply too hot! The slides are burning up, the swings burn you, it’s not fun! More and more communities are putting in splash pads and they are perfect for summer time fun.
Visit The Mall
Going to the mall is a great way to kill some time with your toddler. Most malls have a kids play area that will give your toddler a chance to burn off loads of energy.
Go Ice Skating
Yes, I get it, most toddlers don’t know how to ice skate. However, I was recently at an ice skating rink with my 8-year-old daughter and so many toddlers were there learning how to ice skate. The facility provided toddlers with the cutest training skates!
Start A Garden
Find an easy to grow fruit or vegetable and let your toddler help you plant it. Make it a game to watch it grow. What a great way to not only get your toddler interested in gardening but also letting them learn about food.
Cook Together
Even toddlers can join in on the kitchen fun. What I like to do is have all of the ingredients out before we start, this makes the experience less stressful.
Water Sensory Play
A great way to stay cool during summer is to enjoy some water sensory play. Glue Sticks and Gumdrops has a great tutorial on setting up your own water sensory play.
Have A Craft Day
You can have craft days all summer and I guarantee your toddler will be thrilled! There are so many fun ideas floating around the internet that are perfect for toddlers. No Time for Flash Cards has a great list of 50 Activities for Toddlers.
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What tips do you have for summer time activities with a toddler?
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]]>The post Unicorn Birthday Party Ideas appeared first on The Classy Chapter.
]]>It’s such a cute theme that I’m so excited to put together a unicorn birthday for her. It’s such a fun theme and there are so many great unicorn birthday party ideas floating around the internet but these are some of my favorite.
These easy unicorn poop cookies look so yummy and very pretty!
This unicorn cake says it’s for a 1st birthday but I can see it being done for any age.
Any kid will love these unicorn chocolate covered pretzels, absolutely adorable!
Skip the boring ice cream and opt for this beautiful unicorn ice cream.
The kids will love getting a bag of unicorn farts!
If you are planning a 1st birthday, this mommy and me unicorn shirt is too cute!
This unicorn rainbow dip is the perfect snack for a unicorn party.
If you are in need of unicorn invitations for your party make sure to check out these free printables.
This unicorn birthday popcorn looks like a ton of fun and easy to make.
I’m sure the kids will love this magical unicorn bark. You could even make it with them at the party!
Whip up this unicorn rainbow jello recipe, the kids will love it.
Need a fun activity for your party? This unicorn slime is the perfect activity to keep the kids busy.
My daughter is dead set on having these unicorn spa jars as her gift to her guests and I think they are pretty awesome!
If you don’t want to order a cake, check out these unicorn cupcakes. So cute!
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Do you have any unicorn birthday party ideas? Leave us a link in the comments!
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]]>The post Garden Craft Ideas For Kids appeared first on The Classy Chapter.
]]>We are always trying to come up with different outdoor craft ideas and even better fun ways to make the yard look pretty!
The kids love playing outside and doing all sorts of different crafts. It’s also pretty cool for them to see their art projects in the yard.
These garden craft ideas are perfect for toddlers, tweens and yes even your teens can get involved in these crafts.
1. Wooden Spoon Garden Craft from Kids Activities Blog
2. Rainbow Flower Garden Craft from I Heart Crafty Things
3. Paper Plate Garden from Happy Hooligans
4. Ladybug Stones from Fireflies & Mud Pies
5. Handprint Flower Garden Craft from Fun Handprint Art
6. Bird Bath Fairy Garden from See Vanessa Craft
7. Foam Flower Garden Craft from Plain Vanilla Mom
8. Paint Stick Garden Markers from Happiness is Homemade
9. Butterfly Handprint Garden Pot from Happily Ever Mom
10. Rainbow Garden Mobile from Lemon Lime Adventures
11. Sparkly Rock Crafts from School Time Snippets
12. Flower Drop Garden Ornaments from Happy Hooligans
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]]>The post Must Have Products for Baby & Mama appeared first on The Classy Chapter.
]]>As many of you know, I recently gave birth to my 4th child! As a 4th time mom, I thought I knew it all, I mean I’m kind of a pro at this having babies thing. I knew going into this pregnancy that I didn’t want a lot of useless products. I remember with my first child I bought everything under the sun. Half of it I didn’t even use.
I knew going into this pregnancy that I didn’t want a lot of useless products. I remember with my first child I bought everything under the sun. Half of it I didn’t even use.
However, I quickly realized that there are some really cool products on the market. Most of which were not around 8 years ago when my daughter was born.
Today, I’m going to share with you the must-have products for baby and mama! Trust me – I’m an old pro at this ????.
Fisher Price Premium Auto Rock ‘n Play™ Sleeper with SmartConnect™
This is hands down my favorite product that we have for Jackson! Prior to getting the Fisher Price Premium Auto Rock ‘n Play Sleeper with SmartConnect we were using the standard Rock ‘n Play. Jackson wasn’t a huge fan of the standard Rock ‘n Play so I was a little skeptical to try the Premium edition. I’m pleased to say that he LOVES it! Seriously, he takes naps now!
Since Fisher-Price is focused on helping babies get better sleep, and in turn, their parents, with solutions like their portable inclined sleeper it’s a win-win for both Jackson and myself. The soothing rocking, calming vibrations, songs and sounds, but also hands-free rocking and a light show projection have been helping Jackson get some much-needed sleep. My husband loves that he can control all of these features through his smartphone.
Mustela Stretch Marks Recovery Serum – Use code Babblebox17 for 15% Off Sitewide Valid through 2/11/17
I am very thankful that after having 4 children, I don’t have a single stretch mark. However, a good friend of mine got a lot of stretch marks during her pregnancy and she can’t say enough good things about the Stretch Marks Recovery Serum.
It’s specially formulated for new and expecting mothers, Stretch Marks Recovery Serum helps reduce the appearance of stretch marks after pregnancy thanks to its unique formulation, which includes ingredients of natural origin: – Avocado peptides, a patented ingredient of natural origin, help relieve sensations of tightness, reinforce skin elasticity and leave the skin feeling supple and comfortable.
Even better! 100% of women confirmed that the color of stretch marks improved & 81% of women felt that their stretch marks are less pronounced.
I’d call that a win in my book!
Mustela Diaper Rash Cream 123 & Hydra Bebe Body Lotion
I was given a sample of the Hydra Bebe Baby Lotion in the hospital and absolutely loved it! Mustela’s best-selling daily moisturizing Hydra Bébé Body Lotion provides immediate and long-lasting moisture for dry baby skin. Seriously, it’s one of the best!
I hadn’t tried the Diaper Rash 123 Cream until recently. Thankfully, Jackson hasn’t had a serious rash yet but the other day we gave him banana’s (first food!) and he bottom got a tad bit red. We tried out the Diaper Rash 123 Cream and it worked like a charm!
The new unique 3-in-1 formula with Zinc Oxide is specially formulated to prevent and tackle irritation and redness triggers at their source.
I love that all of the Mustela products are 100% Safe for Mother & Child. Paraben, Phthalate, and Phenoxyethanol free. Hypoallergenic and specially formulated to minimize the risk of allergic reactions. Tested under dermatological and pediatric control.
A diaper pail wasn’t something I really considered using. I mean it isn’t that hard to take a diaper to the trash. Right?
I didn’t realize how much I loved having a diaper pail until I got one.
The Munchkin diaper pail has a lavender scented baking soda cartridge powered by Arm & Hammer! This thing smells amazing! There is also a child proof-locking system includes an out-of-reach button that keeps curious babies from opening up the diaper pail lid.
Miracle Stainless Steel 360 Sippy Cup
Jackson isn’t old enough for this sippy cup yet but I’m so happy that I have it on hand. Hands down one of the coolest sippy cups I’ve ever seen. The patented 360° rim is completely spill-proof and supports kids’ dental health all at once because drinking from anywhere around the rim, like a regular cup, helps support normal muscle development in a child’s mouth. With no extra spouts, straws or pieces, the Miracle® 360° Cup is easy to use and even easier to clean. We’ll say cheers to that!
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Munchkin Shine Stainless Steel Bottle Brush
Don’t you just love the sleek look of this bottle brush? At first, I didn’t even realize it was a brush for baby bottles. This premium stainless steel bottle brush features the latest in brush innovation without sacrificing your kitchen’s décor!
The brush neck is super flexible making it easy to clean every piece of those bottles. I also love that it allows for quick drying since it stands upright.
Vichy Aqualia Thermal Dynamic Hydration Rich Cream
Since giving birth, my skin has been so dry! I’ve been told it’s because I’m nursing. I’m not sure what the reason is but I know this cream has made all the difference. My skin feels so soft, this is a great oil-free moisturizer. The rich, creamy texture melts immediately into skin, leaving a velvety soft finish. Oil-free. Non-comedogenic. Nonacnegenic. Allergy-tested. Suitable for sensitive skin. Tested under dermatological control.
20% off + free U.S. ground shipping to all orders. *Must enter promotion code: BABBLE at checkout. Offer valid through 11:59pm PST, 03/31/2016. Offer will automatically apply Offer cannot be combined with other discounts or gift sets. Get it here.
Sesame Street Naturals B is for Bubble Bath, Tip, Tummy & Toe 2-in-1 & Spray Me Lotion – Buy 2 save $4
Bathtime is part of our bedtime routine, so I’m always up for finding new products to try. I can tell you that this line of bathtime products is awesome! I absolutely love the spray me lotion. It makes it so easy to lather up Jackson with lotion.
The bubble bath is a lot of fun even though Jackson doesn’t really get it yet. My daugher, who is 8-years-old has been having a lot of fun with the bubble bath. She loves that the bubbles last the whole time she’s in the bath. The bubble bath formula contains apples, blueberries and carrots to help repair, hydrate, soften and protect delicate skin.Shea Butter and aloe offer extra moisturizing benefits.
We have been using the Tip, Tummy & Toe 2-1 a lot! It was voted best foamer by parents and I can understand why. It foams up awesome and gets Jackson squeaky clean! Now that we are playing with solids he needs it – believe me!
What product are you excited to try? Let me know in the comments!
The post Must Have Products for Baby & Mama appeared first on The Classy Chapter.