Marriage Tips – The Classy Chapter Too Married for Cosmo...Too Fabulous for Redbook Mon, 05 Aug 2019 21:20:16 +0000 en-US hourly 1 Marriage Tips – The Classy Chapter 32 32 Easy Ways for Parents to Add More Intimacy to Their Relationship Mon, 09 Apr 2018 18:06:13 +0000 Being married and having kids is hard! Have you noticed that your sex life has suffered a little since having kids?   We have four kids and I know that with each new child, making time for intimacy gets harder and harder. It seems like most parents wish they had a better level of intimacy …

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Being married and having kids is hard! Have you noticed that your sex life has suffered a little since having kids?


Feel like your relationship has stalled out? Use these simple but effective tips to spice up your marriage, even after having kids!

We have four kids and I know that with each new child, making time for intimacy gets harder and harder.

It seems like most parents wish they had a better level of intimacy with their partner.

Thankfully, there are a few steps you can take to improve the intimacy in your marriage.

Easy Ways for Parents to Add More Intimacy to Their Relationship

When it comes to intimacy in a relationship, it is important to remember that it’s about more than the bedroom and sex.

Does your intimacy only get started when you climb into bed? If so, that is probably one of the biggest problems.

Have Regular Date Nights

Having regular date nights is so important to your relationship.

It’s healthy to take some time out from parenting and focus on your partner. Getting quality time with your spouse can really improve your relationship.

Date nights help you connect with your spouse without all of the household distractions.

Unfortunately, it’s hard for couples with kids to find the time for a date night. Sadly, most couples don’t even try to make date night a priority after having kids.

What happens when we stop dating our spouse?

Well for starters we end up just living with someone that we happen to have children with.

Our relationship can end up feeling more like a friendship than an intimate relationship. Dating is an easy way to ensure that we maintain a level of intimacy.

When going out on dates with your spouse, make sure you pick a trusted babysitter.

Use a family member or close family friend. When you don’t have the option of family and friends, ask others in your community who they recommend.

There are some awesome high school and college kids that are great with children. Hiring someone you feel comfortable with will put you at ease when out on your date.

Once you have your babysitter in place, now the fun part comes. Planning your date night!

It’s easy to get stuck in the same old date night rut of dinner and a movie. But try to think outside of the box. Do something adventurous or romantic.

My husband and I used to pretty much always do dinner and a movie for our date nights.

Then we realized that it’s not only expensive but we can watch those same movies at home after the kids go to bed.

Read my post on Romantic Date Night Ideas for Married Couples.

My husband and I recently did Escape Room for our date night and we had a blast! It was something new to both of us and it made us communicate with each other.

Keep the Romance Alive

As parents, we all fall into the trap of putting 99% of our attention on the kids.

We are so busy working, getting kids from activity to activity that we often forget about our partner and trying to keep the romance alive.

Even if you and your partner don’t have a lot of time for sex, you can still find ways to ensure there is a level of intimacy in your relationship.

When you are out running the kids around take a second to text your spouse. Let him or she know that you are thinking about them. Tell them that you can’t wait to spend some time together later in the evening.

We often use text messages as a way to update our spouse on the kids, finances or what’s on the dinner menu.

Change it up a bit. Make your spouse look forward to those intimate text messages.

You can also try leaving handwritten notes for your spouse. Set the note in their car, in the briefcase or in a lunch you made for your spouse.

Having kids makes it hard to find quality time with your spouse. Not getting quality time can lead to problems in your marriage. Use these tips to keep the intimacy flowing in your marriage.

Create Sexual Tension

I don’t know about you but I find when my day has been spent dealing with the kids, I don’t go to bed ready for intimacy.

In fact, it’s the furthest thing from my mind. When my husband and I have hardly spoken two words to each other all day let alone even touched each other, sex just isn’t on my mind.

I have found that if we create sexual tension with each other throughout the day it makes it a lot easier to be in the mood that evening.

Some simple ways to create sexual tension is to send flirty texts, touch each other a lot during the day and lots of kisses throughout the day.

Think Outside Of The Bedroom

We have an 18-month-old that still sleeps in our bed so needless to say, our bed isn’t the best place for intimacy.

I’m sure a lot of other parents have this same issue.

So instead of throwing in the towel and saying you’ll just wait for romance until little one moves to their own room, think outside of the bedroom.

This can get tricky if you have older kids but it can be done!

Try taking a shower together, going into a guest room or even your closet if you have a huge walk-in closet.

You just have to get creative to ensure that your love life doesn’t suffer.

If you don’t have the problem of little ones in your room, then make sure you create a romantic master bedroom.

You want to create a master bedroom that encourages intimacy. Make sure to read my post on creating a romantic master bedroom.

If you enjoyed this post, make sure to check out some of my other popular posts!

Hobbies for Couples to Enjoy Together

Marriage in a rut? Use these date night ideas to spice up your marriage.

Couples Challenge | 31 Day Marriage Challenge

Ready to create the marriage you've always wanted. Take these 31 days of love prompts to better your marriage.

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4 Ways to Improve Your Intimacy with Your Wife Fri, 06 Apr 2018 14:00:27 +0000 Are you married? If so, you likely love your wife, right? You probably have a deep desire to please your wife in the bedroom. You might even find resentment when your wife doesn’t want to be as intimate as you. If you want to improve your intimacy with your wife, it is important to know …

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Are you married? If so, you likely love your wife, right? You probably have a deep desire to please your wife in the bedroom. You might even find resentment when your wife doesn’t want to be as intimate as you.

If you want to improve your intimacy with your wife, it is important to know that you have a number of different options. Most men automatically think of ways to improve things in the bedroom. Yes, of course, you want to spice up the bedroom, but intimacy is about so much more than the bedroom. In fact, that is where many marriages go wrong. Too much focus is placed on the physical act of love making or the lack of it.

Is your marriage suffering in the intimacy department? Use these simple tips to improve intimacy with your wife.

4 Ways to Improve Your Intimacy with Your Wife

Date Her

How long have you been married? If you have been married for a number of years now, do you honestly remember when your last real date was?  We can sometimes underestimate the power of a date. Dating your wife shows her that you value her and want to spend one-on-one time with her. It helps keep the spark alive in your marriage. You can read my post on Steamy Date Night Ideas.

Dating will not only improve your bedroom life but will bring a new level of excitement to your marriage.

Compliment Her

When is the last time that you have paid your wife a truly nice and unique compliment? If it has been a while, it is time for you to start again. Take notice of the things your wife does. Did she change her hair, buy a new outfit or maybe did got really dolled up. Notice and compliment her! Complimenting your wife lets her know you still find her attractive and gives her a nice self-esteem boost.

As important as it is to compliment your wife on her appearance, it is also important to remember to compliment her on other areas of your relationship. Thank her for cleaning the house, cooking dinner or running the kids around. Don’t just take for granted that it’s “her job” to do these things.

Complimenting your wife will not only improve your relationship but can carry over to the bedroom as well.

Seduce Her

What is life in the bedroom like in your relationship? Does it occur like clockwork? Do you actually take the time to ask your wife if she wants to be intimate? If so, stop asking her! I’m sure you’ve probably been rejected with the standard responses. I have a headache, I’m too tired, I have to get up early or whatever it might be. Try being spontaneous. Seduce your wife. Make her want and desire you. And please do not forget the importance of foreplay!

Fulfill Her Fantasies

In keeping with seducing your wife, let her know that you want to fulfill her fantasies. Have a discussion about what you both enjoy and do not enjoy about your intimate time together. Talk about your fantasies and really start opening up with each other.

As you can see, there are a number of different ways that you can go about improving the intimacy in your relationship.

Please remember, however, that you want to get started in someplace other than the bedroom. Intimacy in a marriage is about more and should be more than just the act itself. Taking the time to date and compliment your wife will more than pay off in the end.

If you enjoyed this post, make sure to check out some of my other popular posts!

Easy Ways to Spice Up the BedoomUse these simple tips to spice up your marriage and improve intimacy in the bedroom.

Hobbies for Couples to Enjoy Together

Marriage in a rut? Use these date night ideas to spice up your marriage.


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4 Easy Ways to Spice Up Things in the Bedroom Tue, 03 Apr 2018 14:00:39 +0000 Are you in a relationship that seems as if it is stalled in the bedroom? If so, are not alone. Many couples face issues with their sex life. But, what steps should take to fix it? When it comes to being unhappy in the bedroom, it is important to know that ending a marriage or …

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Are you in a relationship that seems as if it is stalled in the bedroom? If so, are not alone. Many couples face issues with their sex life. But, what steps should take to fix it?

When it comes to being unhappy in the bedroom, it is important to know that ending a marriage or a relationship should only be used as a last approach. Instead, you will want to take different approaches to spice things up and start enjoying sex again. Improving your sex life also works wonders for improving your relationship.

Below, four easy ways that you can spice things up in the bedroom, are covered.

Use these simple tips to spice up your marriage and improve intimacy in the bedroom.

4 Easy Ways to Spice Things Up In The Bedroom

Engage in Foreplay

Let’s play out a typical night for a couple that is feeling bored with their sex life. You go into the bedroom, you might kiss and then you get right down to business. Well…this is ok sometimes but it’s not the type of sex you should be having on a regular basis.

Intimacy is more than just sex. Intimacy is about connecting with your partner. Now, men can sometimes be ready to go just by looking at their wife. However, women often need a little more stimulation to be ready to go. This is where foreplay comes into play.

If you and your partner donít already engage in foreplay, start doing so. Hint, foreplay doesn’t have to start in the bedroom. Small touches, kisses when you walk by or even text messages throughout the day can set the tone for an intimate evening. I like to say that you should create sexual tension with your spouse.

Be Spontaneous

When you want to have sex, what do you do? Is it just routine when you get into bed at night? Or maybe you ask your partner if they are in the mood. If you do either of the above, stop, now!

Sometimes when we ask our partner if they are in the mood, it makes sex feel like a chore and we never want sex to be a chore.

Instead of asking your spouse if they are in the mood, go to the bedroom alone, get undressed and send a text letting your partner know you are waiting for him (or her).

If you really want to up the spontaneity don’t even take it to the bedroom. Hop in the shower with your spouse or find a private area outside of the bedroom.

If you actually take the time to ask your partner if they want to be intimate with you, you may be doing more harm than good. Asking first can make being intimate seem more like a chore than something that should bring you pleasure. The next time that you want to move to the bedroom, donít ask first. Just lead your partner there. In fact, who needs a bedroom?

Talk About Your Fantasies and Desires

One of the biggest reasons why couples have problems with sex is because one person isn’t being fully fulfilled.  If that is the case with you? Does your partner know what you like or what you want to get out of being intimate? If not, it is time for you to let them know.

Having open lines of communication in the bedroom is extremely important to a healthy sex life. Talk to your partner about your fantasies and desires. Let your partner know what things turn you on and what doesn’t turn you on.

You can also check out my workbook on communication if you need to open up the lines of communication.

Feeling like your marriage is on the rocks lately? Use these tips to spice up your marriage and add more intimacy into your marriage.

Experiment in the Bedroom

Another one of the easy ways that you can spice up things in the bedroom is by experimenting. We often hear relationship experts say to experiment in the bedroom and our minds race in a million different directions.

Let me just start off by saying that experimenting in the bedroom will mean something different for everyone. You and your partner will have different comfort levels than my husband and I. However, some fun ways to experiment are by role-playing, sex toys, new positions or different areas in the home. Remember, you and your spouse should communicate on what you are and are not ok with!

Remember that experimenting in the bedroom is a good way to spice up your intimacy, but be sure to use your best judgment. It may be a wise decision to first discuss making changes with your partner, as you will not want to make him or her feel uncomfortable.

If you enjoyed this post, make sure to check out some of my other popular posts!

Steamy Date Night Ideas

Is marriage feeling a little boring lately? Spice up your marriage with these steamy date night ideas. Your love life will thank you! Marriage advice | Marriage problems | marriage quotes | date night ideas

Do You Have A Boring Sex Life?

Is your marriage suffering in the intimacy department? These tips will help you spice up your marriage and improve intimacy within your marriage. Say goodbye to those days of intimacy struggles and hello to an amazing sex life with your spouse.

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Do You Have A Boring Sex Life? Sat, 31 Mar 2018 07:01:07 +0000 One of the key elements to a happy marriage is a good sex life. But what happens when you have a boring sex life or maybe it’s not even existent anymore. I’ve heard so many people say how great sex was before marriage. Shouldn’t sex be even better after marriage? I don’t know about you but …

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One of the key elements to a happy marriage is a good sex life. But what happens when you have a boring sex life or maybe it’s not even existent anymore. I’ve heard so many people say how great sex was before marriage.

Shouldn’t sex be even better after marriage?

I don’t know about you but sex life pre-marriage was kind of awkward at times. You aren’t 100% comfortable with the person and you don’t even know for sure where things are going.

Now, married sex is awesome! You are with the person you. You are bonding with your spouse on a deeper more intimate level.

Today, we are going to break down all those walls you have up about sex and turn that boring sex life into an amazing sex life.
Is your marriage suffering in the intimacy department? These tips will help you spice up your marriage and improve intimacy within your marriage. Say goodbye to those days of intimacy struggles and hello to an amazing sex life with your spouse.

Do You Have A Boring Sex Life?

Create a Sex Schedule

How long has it been since you were intimate with your spouse? Seriously, think about it for a minute.

When is the last time you were intimate with your spouse and truly enjoyed it?

Making love to our spouse should NOT be a chore! It should be something we look forward to.

My challenge to you is to create a schedule for sex. Now, I don’t mean you need to set a Google calendar alert or anything like that. However, make it a point to schedule time for intimacy.

If you truly don’t enjoy sex with your spouse or you don’t make love very often, I would try to have sex at least once per week.

If you do have sex with your spouse on a regular basis but don’t enjoy it, then I would aim for 2 to 3 times per week.

Sex is a healthy part of any relationship and it has been proven that the more you have sex the more you will want it. You kind of have to retrain your brain.

When we go long periods without making love to our spouse, it just ends up as the norm. Not having sex with your spouse is not the norm.

You don't have to have a boring sex life. In fact, using some simple tips to spice up your love life can improve intimacy within your marriage.

Communicate with Your Spouse

We all know that communication is key to a great marriage but it’s also important to a great sex life.

I think that sometimes we forget that our spouse is not a mind reader.  Our spouse might not even know that we are bored with our sex life. Our spouse probably doesn’t even know why we have a boring sex life.

If things in the bedroom are too routine, let your spouse know. I’m sure he/she would be more than willing to try new ways to spice things ups.

If you have insecurities that carry over into the bedroom, talk to your spouse about those. The last thing you want is your spouse thinking that you don’t desire them anymore.

If communication is an issue, check out my workbook on improving your communication.

Make Your Marriage A Priority

Sometimes life gets busy with work, kids and everything else that we stop making our marriage a priority. When this happens intimacy is usually one of the first things to fall by the wayside.

Make it a point to make your marriage a priority!

Have regular date nights, have non-screen time together after the kids go to bed or even just lay in bed and chat before catching some z’s.

Feeling like you have a boring sex life lately? Use these simple tips to spice up your marriage and your sex life. Foreplay, communication and creating sexual tension are so important. Intimacy ideas for the bedroom.

Create Sexual Tension

Creating sexual tension between each other is a sure fire way to ensure you don’t have a boring sex life.

Seriously think about this. Are there days when all you talk about with your spouse is the kids, bills, work and dinner? Are there days when you don’t even touch your spouse?

I know I’ve had this kind of day with my spouse and if I’m being honest, this kind of day doesn’t leave me wanting sex. It’s hard to go from busy busy all day to turned on if there has been zero intimacy throughout the day.

So how do you create that sexual tension if you are busy with a million other things? Easy! Send your spouse texts throughout the day that are borderline naughty. Take the time to kiss your spouse, rub his leg, kiss her neck or any other physical touch.

It only takes a few seconds to kiss your spouse goodbye or give them a quick rub on the leg (or butt)!

If you are touching throughout the day, texting (about more than the kids) then you are setting the stage for an awesome intimate evening!

I hope you enjoyed this post and I 100% believe that it will help you have a better sex life if YOU want a better sex life. Having a great sex life takes work and you have to be willing to put the work in.

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Hobbies for Couples to Enjoy Together Wed, 28 Mar 2018 05:15:16 +0000 Do you often feel bored with your marriage? Not your spouse but your marriage? This list of hobbies for couples will help you reconnect with your spouse. Finding hobbies you can enjoy as a couple is a great way to connect with your spouse and build a stronger bond. Keep in mind that hobbies are …

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Do you often feel bored with your marriage? Not your spouse but your marriage? This list of hobbies for couples will help you reconnect with your spouse. Finding hobbies you can enjoy as a couple is a great way to connect with your spouse and build a stronger bond.

Keep in mind that hobbies are not a replacement for date nights. You should still continue to do date your spouse on a regular basis.

Hobbies are especially great for couples that are facing struggles in their marriage. The more you laugh, smile and communicate with your spouse the stronger your marriage gets.

And having a stronger and happier marriage is the goal, right?

spice up your marriage with these hobbies for couples to enjoy together.

Hobbies for Couples to Enjoy Together

Not everything on this list will be your cup of tea but don’t be afraid to try new things with your spouse. Getting out of our comfort zone is sometimes the best thing for us.

My challenge to you is to read over this list with your spouse and pick 5 different activities you want to try together. You probably won’t love all of them but I bet you one of the activities you pick will be a keeper.

Use this list of activities for couples to create a deeper bond with your spouse.

Classes To Take As A Couple

  • Cooking classes
  • Photography classes
  • Dance classes
  • Bible study for couples
  • Painting classes

Outdoor Activites for Couples

  • Hiking
  • Fishing
  • Shooting at the gun range
  • Hunting
  • Pan for gold
  • 4×4 driving
  • Camping
  • Geocaching
  • Skydiving
  • Waterskiing

Events To Enjoy As A Couple

  • Concerts
  • Sporting events
  • Local fairs and festivals
  • Farmer’s Market
  • Film Festivals
  • Museums
  • Wine Tasting
  • Beer tasting
  • Comedy clubs

Marriage in a rut? Use these date night ideas to spice up your marriage.

Active Hobbies to Enjoy Together

  • Line dancing
  • Swing dancing
  • Running
  • Training for a marathon
  • Boxing
  • Swimming
  • Tennis
  • Disc golf
  • Minature Golf
  • GoKart Racing
  • Card games
  • Pool

Get creative and try thinking outside of the box. Ask your spouse if there is anything he or she has really wanted to try. If so, give it a whirl and see if you both enjoy it.

If you enjoyed this post, make sure to check out my other popular posts!

Date Night Ideas for Married Couples

Being married with kids makes it hard to find time for date nights. These date night ideas for married couples are perfect for even busy parents. Marriage tips, Marriage advice, date night ideas

Romantic Bedroom Ideas

Is intimacy lacking in your marriage? Maybe your bedroom has something to do with it. Create a romantic bedroom with these simple tips. Romantic bedroom ideas, how to create a romantic bedroom


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Acts of Service Love Language Sat, 24 Mar 2018 05:27:16 +0000 Does your spouse have the acts of service love language? Do you struggle with trying to fulfill their love language? When our spouse has a different love language than we do, it can sometimes be a challenge to meet their love needs. I know that “acts of service” sounds like our entire job is to …

The post Acts of Service Love Language appeared first on The Classy Chapter.

Does your spouse have the acts of service love language? Do you struggle with trying to fulfill their love language? When our spouse has a different love language than we do, it can sometimes be a challenge to meet their love needs.

I know that “acts of service” sounds like our entire job is to serve our spouse but that’s not what it means! Sometimes, the smallest actions can mean the world to our spouse.

This post is going to help you meet the needs of a spouse that has the acts of service love language.

If your marriage is having problems, try these love language tips. acts of service love language

Acts of Service Love Language

If you aren’t sure what your love language is, make sure you read the 5 Love Languages Book. It’s amazing at helping you and your spouse really figure out what types of things you can do for each other to ensure you both are happy and filled with love.

Spouses that have the acts of service love language can be a challenge. It’s not going to be as simple as a kiss or a thoughtful gift. Acts of service take work and time! I know we are all busy but just imagine for one moment how grateful our spouse would be if we did even one small act of service! Learning how to fulfill our spouses love language, it’s magical.

I challenge you and your spouse to figure out your love languages and dedicate time every day or every week to ensuring you are meeting each other’s needs.

I have found that by working on our love language, it has made our marriage 100% stronger. We are both happier, communicate more and generally feel loved by each other.

Tips for Acts of Service

  • Serve breakfast in bed.
  • Clean the car.
  • Plan a guys or girls night for your spouse.
  • Handle the errands that he or she has been putting off.
  • Cook or pick up dinner.
  • Look at his/her task list and handle one of the tasks.
  • Plan date nights. See our Steamy Date Night Ideas
  • Do your partner’s least favorite chore.

Use the 5 love languages to better your marriage. Acts of service, marriage advice, marriage tips

Things to Say for Acts of Service

  • What can I help you with today?
  • How can I help?
  • Is there something I can do to help you feel less stressed?
  • I’d love to help you do…

Things Not to Do for Acts of Service

  • Make a lot of demanding requests.
  • Not following through on your promises to help.
  • Add to their task list.

If you enjoyed this post, make sure you check out my other popular posts!

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Steamy Date Night Ideas to Spice Up Your Love Life Sat, 17 Mar 2018 06:21:42 +0000 In need of some steamy date night ideas? Is your marriage feeling a little dull lately? We’ve all been there before. There are times when you get into a rut and it feels like you do the same thing day after day. You might even feel bored with your marriage at times. Maybe you’re wondering …

The post Steamy Date Night Ideas to Spice Up Your Love Life appeared first on The Classy Chapter.

In need of some steamy date night ideas? Is your marriage feeling a little dull lately? We’ve all been there before. There are times when you get into a rut and it feels like you do the same thing day after day. You might even feel bored with your marriage at times. Maybe you’re wondering if you are falling out of love with each other.

Well not to worry because it happens to all of us! With a little work, you can add some steam back into your marriage.

I’m sharing some of my favorite date night ideas to add a little steam back into your love life.

Is marriage feeling a little boring lately? Spice up your marriage with these steamy date night ideas. Your love life will thank you! Marriage advice | Marriage problems | marriage quotes | date night ideas

7 Steamy Date Night Ideas to Spice Up Your Love Life

Turn Your Bedroom Into Your Own Steamy Oasis

You don’t always have to leave the house to have a hot and steamy date night. In fact, some of the best ways to spice up your love life are to stay right in the comfort of your own home.

Set the mood with some of your favorite music, light some candles, get a yummy drink and maybe even run a warm bubble bath. Spend the evening indulging in each other.

Forget about all of the outside distractions. No TV, no cell phones or anything else that will take your attention off of each other.

If you want to spice things up even more, try The Game of Love! The Game of Love is your own personalized game that’s played on the bed. The best thing about The Game of Love is you get to decide the activities, making it 100% tailored to your relationship.

Spend the Evening Dancing

When is the last time you went out dancing with your spouse? For most of us, it’s probably been a while. Find a bar or nightclub in your area, get all dolled up and spend the evening completely immersed in each other.

There is something about dancing up close and personal that starts to make those sparks fly again.

Spending the evening dancing with your spouse ensure there is going to be a lot of touching going on which helps to steam things up a bit!

Strip Back the Layers

Have you ever gone skinny dipping before? Most of us probably haven’t!

But why not give it a try?

Head off to a lake or beach late at night and strip back all those layers of clothes. Hold your spouse in the water completely naked.

Head to the Spa

There is something about spending the day at the spa with your spouse that really spices things up. You are both getting this amazing couples massage, you are both completely relaxed and all the worries of the world are not on your mind.

Spending the day at the spa with you spouse is an awesome way to reconnect and get the fire back in your marriage.

Date for the First Time

Do you remember your first date? You were probably nervous and excited all at the same time. You were eager to get to know each other. There might have even been some lust in the air.

Try recreating your first date as closely as possible. Enjoy an evening of getting to know each other all over again.

Don’t talk about the kids, the pets or the bills that are stacking up.

Ask each other questions to get to know each other on a deeper level, just like you would if you were dating for the first time.

If you need some ideas to get the conversation flowing, try these conversation starters.

Get Fancy!

My husband and I try to have date nights on a regular basis. However, it’s usually just a quick bite to eat and then grocery shopping.

Fun stuff going on here!

Usually, when we just have a quick date night, we don’t end up truly spending a lot of quality time together. I also don’t feel like it adds a ton of excitement to our marriage.

Don’t get me wrong, I love getting time away from the kids with my husband but some of our dates just feel like the same ol’ boring date.

We have found a solution to this.

Once or twice a year, we try and go on a date that’s fancy and feels super special. We both get dressed up, go to a nice restaurant and truly enjoy each other’s company.

There is something about getting all dolled up that really makes things feel fun and special between us.

Experience a First Together

My husband and I have been together for 14 years and sometimes it feels like we’ve done everything there is to do.

Movies ✔

Batting Cages ✔

Fancy Dinner ✔

Spa Day ✔

Wine Tasting ✔

Bowling ✔

Sporting Events ✔

But think outside of the box and come up with something neither one of you has done before.

You could try a Paint and Sip night, take a dance class together, indoor skydiving, hot air balloon ride or anything else you can think of.

Experiencing something new together is guaranteed to bring you closer!

For even more steamy date ideas, check out the year of dates!

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Should You Schedule Intimacy With Your Spouse

Need some tips on how to make your marriage better? Have you thought about scheduling intimate time with your spouse? It might have more benefits than you realize.

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7 Ways a Husband Can Support His Pregnant Wife Sat, 10 Mar 2018 14:00:46 +0000 If your wife is pregnant, hopefully, you’ve asked how to be a supportive husband during pregnancy. Being pregnant is a hard job for women. We get sick, gain a lot of weight in a short period of time, deal with being very uncomfortable and then deliver a precious baby. One of my biggest marriage tips …

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If your wife is pregnant, hopefully, you’ve asked how to be a supportive husband during pregnancy. Being pregnant is a hard job for women. We get sick, gain a lot of weight in a short period of time, deal with being very uncomfortable and then deliver a precious baby.

One of my biggest marriage tips is to ensure your husband is supportive! However, pregnancy is also hard for our partners. Most husband just don’t know how they can support their pregnant wife. It’s not that they don’t want to, they simply don’t know how.

These pregnancy tips for men will help our partners understand how to better support us during pregnancy.

how to be a supportive husband during pregnancy | pregnancy tips | husbands and pregnancy

How to Be a Supportive Husband During Pregnancy

1. Get Educated! One of the best ways to better understand what your wife is going through is by reading books on pregnancy and preparing yourself for what’s ahead.

Here is a great selection of books to learn how to be a supportive husband during pregnancy: Books to read while pregnant.

2. Understand Your Sex Life Might Change. Some women lose all of their sex drive while pregnant and for other women, it goes into over-drive.

Either way, try to be understanding. If your wife isn’t feeling up to being intimate, try talking with her but not pushing her or blaming her. Remember, this stage of life won’t last forever.

3. Help to Reduce Stress. Offer to cook dinner a couple of times a week or maybe pick up her favorite takeout.

Help her around the house or if you have older children have them help, take them for an outing so your pregnant wife can get some quiet time. It’s really those little things that make a big difference.

4. Show Your Love! Even if your wife isn’t feeling intimate, you can still show your love and affection. Snuggle her on the couch, give her hugs, tell her she’s beautiful and just make her feel good about herself during this time.

5. Stay Positive. There are going to be times when your wife is worried Maybe she feels like she’s gained too much weight or maybe she’s worried about the baby.

Stay positive and realize that all of her concerns are valid no matter how trivial they might sound.

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6. Listen! Please, listen to your wife. This is a very exciting time in both of your lives. Your wife will probably want to talk you about her pregnancy concerns, something she read about online, medical decisions or just share the exciting news with you. Please don’t ignore her or act uninterested. This is your baby too so share in her excitement.

7. Get her Food! You know I can’t write a post on being a supportive husband without telling you to grab her some food. There will probably be times when she is craving ice cream, french fries, fruit or whatever it might be. Go get the lady what she wants – for god’s sake, she can’t have her wine!

If you enjoyed this post on pregnancy tips for me, make sure to check out some of my other posts. 

10 Truths About Romance After Children


20 Baby Shower Drinks

Need some non-alcoholic baby shower drink ideas? These mocktails are perfect for any baby shower.

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Couples Challenge | 31 Day Marriage Challenge Fri, 09 Mar 2018 07:34:04 +0000 It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of everyday life, and before you know it, it’s been days since the last time you sat down to spend quality time with your spouse. We are going to change that with this couples challenge (love challenge)! One of the main reasons couples get divorced …

The post Couples Challenge | 31 Day Marriage Challenge appeared first on The Classy Chapter.

It’s so easy to get caught up in the busyness of everyday life, and before you know it, it’s been days since the last time you sat down to spend quality time with your spouse. We are going to change that with this couples challenge (love challenge)!

One of the main reasons couples get divorced is due to a lack of communication and feeling unloved.

You may be telling yourself that you talk every day, but how deep are those conversations? When was the last time you asked your spouse what he/she needs?

In our 31-day couples challenge, we are going to help you reconnect with your spouse to help strengthen and improve your relationship.

It all starts with one little activity every day to explore your spouse and deepen your relationship together.

couples challenge, marriage quotes, marriage advice, marriage intimacy advice, 30 day marriage challenge,

Couples Challenge | 31 Day Marriage Challenge

Day 1: Ask your spouse what can I be doing to be a better spouse for you? Make a list together.

Day 2: Start going to bed together.

Day 3: Show your appreciation for your spouse. Let them know how much they mean to you and how much you value their help around the home.

Day 4: Plan a special date night together for this week.

Day 5: Unplug yourself from technology and spend quality time with your spouse, even if it’s only for 15 minutes.

Rekindle your marriage with the 30 day love challenge!

Photo by Allie Milot on Unsplash

Day 6: Send your spouse a flirty text today. It doesn’t have to be something raunchy, but something that lets them know you still love and adore them.

Day 7: Give your spouse a compliment, during this couples challenge.

Day 8: Is there a chore your spouse particularly hates doing? Do it for them today.

Day 9: Put the kids to bed a little early tonight, and spend those extra minutes talking with your spouse.

Day 10: Go the whole day without correcting your spouse.

Day 11: When was the last time you made out? Am I guessing it was sometime during high school perhaps? Have a steamy makeout session with your spouse and see where it takes you.

Day 12: Make him his favorite dish or meal.

Day 13: Set a regular appointment on your calendar for quality time together. This can be date nights or even just time to spend together if you’re rushed.

Day 14: If you pack his lunch, leave a little love note inside. Don’t tell him it’s there, and enjoy his surprise later.

Create a happier marriage with this marriage challenge!

Photo by Kiwihug on Unsplash

Day 15: Tell your spouse how much they mean to you and what you love about them today.

Day 16: Today’s theme is Let Go. Is there a longstanding grudge you’re holding against your husband? Today, it’s time to let go of all the things and mistakes that your husband has made so you can move forward together.

Day 17: Ask your spouse “What can I help you with today?”

Day 18: Hug your husband at least three times today.

Day 19: If you don’t usually do this, make it a new habit! Kiss your husband every night before bed, and every morning when you both wake up. Tell each other how much you love each other and start each morning off on a romantic note.

Day 20: Thank your spouse for all they do for your family.

Day 21: Listen to your spouse today. Don’t interrupt them and take in their words.

If you are loving this couples challenge, make sure to check out the Love Challenge!

Day 22: Do it their way for a change. Instead of always dismissing the way they tell you to do things, give one a shot for a change.

Day 23: Plan a romantic getaway, even if it’s only for the weekend.

Day 24: If you aren’t “getting busy” regularly, make time for it! Schedule it in your day planner if you have to.

Day 25: Try something new. This doesn’t have to be too spicy, but try something new in the bedroom today. It can be something as simple as a new outfit, or if you’re feeling a little more adventurous, something a little more steamy.

Day 26: Make goals together. They can be family oriented or even just for the two of you.

Ready to create the marriage you've always wanted. Take these 31 days of love prompts to better your marriage.

Photo by Gül Kurtaran on Unsplash

Day 27: Do something you’ve never done together. This doesn’t have to be in the bedroom! Go for a walk if you don’t usually walk together, or go to a restaurant you’ve never been to.

Day 28: Cuddle with each other! This can be during your favorite show, or in the morning when you first wake up.

Day 29: Hold hands, it doesn’t matter if you’re shopping in the supermarket or at dinner.

Day 30: Have a couples date with one of your close friends.

Day 31: Talk with your spouse about spending more time together, and commit to keeping your love alive even after this challenge has ended.

I hope you enjoyed this couples challenge!

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Unfaithful Husband: An Open Letter To The Other Woman Sun, 04 Mar 2018 07:53:42 +0000 Do you have an unfaithful husband? Well, I have been in your shoes and I know that it is not fun! As much as blame my husband, I blame the other woman even more. It’s been years since the affair happened and I am now ready to address her. I don’t know that she’ll ever …

The post Unfaithful Husband: An Open Letter To The Other Woman appeared first on The Classy Chapter.

Do you have an unfaithful husband? Well, I have been in your shoes and I know that it is not fun! As much as blame my husband, I blame the other woman even more.

It’s been years since the affair happened and I am now ready to address her. I don’t know that she’ll ever see this or if she’ll even know that it’s for her but I know that if it even stops one woman from having an affair with a married man, it will be worth it!

**I hope you enjoy this guest post from one of my readers that submitted her story**

Is your marriage having problems? Are you facing infidelity? If your spouse has had an affair, read my open letter to the other woman.

Unfaithful Husband: An Open Letter To The Other Woman

Dear Women Who Saved My Marriage,

There was a time when the thought of you made me sick to my stomach. You crushed a piece of my heart that will never heal.

When I first learned of your affair with my husband, I was devastated. My heart was broken into a million pieces. Pieces that years later I’m still trying to put back together. Pieces that might not ever be put back together again.

Of course, I was extremely upset with my husband for even considering having an affair since he was the one that took vows to be faithful to me.

Then, I learned that you knew all about me AND our children. I learned that you didn’t care that he was married or that he had children at home.

All you cared about was yourself. 

How did you not care that he wouldn’t talk to you after 5 pm or on the weekends? Did it not bother you that he would only speak to your or see you during work hours?

Did you not have enough self-respect to be with a man that is proud to show you off?

Do you like knowing that you will never be more than 2nd choice?

For a long period of time, I wished you nothing but bad. I wanted you to feel every ounce of pain that I was feeling.

Then, something amazing happened!

Is your marriage having problems? Are you facing infidelity? If your spouse has had an affair, read my open letter to the other woman.

My husband and I were able to slowly repair the pain that you and he caused me.

We were finally about to salvage our marriage after his affair.

So now I want to thank you. I want to thank you because now he and I are stronger than ever. We have worked through the hardest thing our marriage has ever faced and came out on top.

We have both dug dip into our marriage and figured out where we were both slacking. He has done a lot of soul-searching to discover why he stepped out of our marriage with you.

I have also done some serious soul-searching to see what I played in his affair.

Someday, you will be married and I pray that you will never feel the hurt that you caused me. 

I pray that your kids will never have to watch you lay in bed and cry your eyes out for days…even weeks.

Remember, karma is a bitch!

The post Unfaithful Husband: An Open Letter To The Other Woman appeared first on The Classy Chapter.

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